Yvette's Birthplace
What is Michigan/Great Lake State
State where most team members are in.
What is Texas/TX
Ariel's Husband Occupation/Career
What is a (Highschool) Teacher
Number of customer service channels
What is 3 (phone, chat, email)
When no one responds in zoom
What is 'crickets'
Ariel's birthplace
What is Minnesota
Template Queen
What is Sarah
Ariel's Daughter Name
What is Delilah or Lilah Belle
Year Chewy was established
What is 2011
A warning that stays between us
What is " 'If you repeat this, I'll deny that I said it' or 'If you tell anyone I told you this, I'll lie'
Samantha's amount of hours behind and time zone
What is Mountain Standard Time (GMT7) 3 hours behind from FL - 2 hrs. behind from TX
Lashes always on fleek
What is Desmariaha
Samantha's Dog name
What is Pepper or Pepperoni
Coupon mail in address
What is 3251 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33021
What Ariel asks after finished reviewing huddle topics/focus
What is 'Any questions, comments, concerns or emotional outburts?'
Florida Agent names on Dream Team
What is 6 agents - Zuri, (Olice), Sarah, Shadae, Tierra, Clare
Number of agents on Dream Team
What is 18 agents
Yvette's birth month
What is May
Chewy Founders
What is Ryan Cohen (“Cohen”) and Michael Day (“Day”)
What Ariel says after going off topic
What is rambling or Im all over the place
Amount of TX located Dream Team members
What is 9 (8 agents and Ariel)
Number of agents that have been on this team since 2023 started
What is 9 ( Sarah, Olice, Tasha, Zuri, Shaquille, Yvette, Dejiah, Desmariaha, Clare)
Ariel's pets and how many
What is 3 cats 1 dog (German Shepard)
Chewy's social network where pet parents can find their pack.
What is The Zoo
What Ariel says when alerted after going over
Workforce pinged me but they can wait or Workforce is always pinging me