A Frog
what species are taking over the human race?
what animal is belt?
Who is the Villian
Pitch Black
what is the name of the girl who is mean to Sherman?
Penny Peterson
what does shrek make his candles out of?
His own earwax
Who is the only one who survived the Boov takeover?
How did their neighbours die?
Common cold, eaten by a rattlesnake, stepped on and eaten by a bird
Who are the five main characters names? (NOT animals)
North (Santa Claus), Bunnymund, Tooth, Sandy and Jack Frost
what historical time did penny go to?
Ancient Egypt
Who did Prince Charming find sleeping in the bed where he expected to find Fiona?
The Big bad wolf
who is the voice of Tip
double points- who is the voice of Oh
Rihanna and Jim Parsons
What happened to their cave?
it gets crushed by rocks
What does Pitch take from Tooth
Kidnaps Tooth's fairies and steals all of the teeth,
What did Penny say to Sherman after knocking a sandwitch out of his hand?
Go on, doggy. Go get your lunch. Go on. Go get it.
(Go fetch it is also accpetable)
what does shrek compare himself to
An Onion
what does captain smek call his spector
The Shusher
When trying to chase the bird and get the egg, what does Grug say after everyone tries?
Why can't people see Jack Frost?
because no one believed in him.
why do mr peabody invent a time machine?
As a birthday present to Sherman or so Sherman can witness historical events in person
Who are the three princesses that the mirror suggested
Cinderella, Snow White, and Princess Fiona
Who does Oh claim that his friend is (its a Boov)
how old is sandy?
4 years old
what is the name of the only person who believes in jack frost
Jaime bennet
what are is one historical places Sherman and Peabody visited? (event or location)
France (French Revolution) or Greece (Trojan Horse)