What causes body odor?
What is bacteria breaking down sweat/Bacteria/ unpleasant smells?
How often should you brush your teeth?
What is at least twice a day, morning and night?
Why should you wear clean clothes to work?
What is it shows professionalism and prevents odors?
How long should you wash your hands?
What is at least 20 seconds?
Why should you keep your nails trimmed and clean at work?
What is it prevents the spread of germs and looks professional?
Name two ways to prevent body odor
What is shower daily, use deodorant, wear clean clothes, brush your teeth, etc.)?
Name one common food that causes bad breath and should be avoided before an interview or during work hours.
What is garlic, onions, canned fish, spicy foods?
Name a type of work uniform that must always be clean.
What is restaurant, medical scrubs, customer service, etc.?
True or False: Hand sanitizer is always better than soap and water.
What is False? Sanitizer doesn’t remove all germs and dirt.
True or False: Wearing heavy perfume or cologne is okay at work.
What is False? Strong scents can bother coworkers and customers.
True or False: Using cologne or perfume is a good replacement for deodorant.
What is False?
It only masks odor but doesn’t stop bacteria growth
True or False: Chewing gum is just as good as brushing your teeth.
What is False? Gum helps freshen breath but doesn’t remove plaque.
True or False: Wrinkled clothes are fine as long as they are clean.
What is False? Wrinkled clothes look unprofessional.
Name 1 time you should ALWAYS wash your hands at work.
What is after using the restroom, before handling food, after coughing, etc.?
Why is messy hair considered unprofessional?
What is It gives a bad first impression and can look unkempt or not combed?
True of False: Perfume or Cologne will mask the smell of smoke on the body if you spray a lot.
What is False?
What’s the proper way to clean between your teeth?
What is flossing?
What should you do if you spill food on your work uniform?
What is change or clean it ASAP to avoid stains and smells?
What is the best way to dry your hands—paper towels or air dryers?
What is paper towels? They remove bacteria more effectively.
What’s one way to freshen up at work if you forget deodorant?
What is Use body wipes, apply deodorant, or change shirts if possible?
What’s the best way to tell a coworker they have body odor politely?
What is speak privately, be kind, suggest solutions?
True of False: When brushing your teeth, you don't have to brush your tongue because the toothpaste will get on it anyway.
False: Brushing your tongue removes bacteria and helps freshen your breath.
What’s one way to keep your work shoes from smelling bad?
What is wear fresh socks daily, air them out, use odor-absorbing inserts?
True or False: Most germs can survive on your hands for up to 3 hours.
What is True?
What’s one reason employers care about employee hygiene?
What is It affects company reputation, customer experience, and workplace health?