There are two parts of most drill commands.
What is
Preparatory Command and
Command of execution.
This TC covers Drill and Ceremony.
What is TC 3-21.5 (training circular)
Someone who is responsible for training and appearance of the color guard.
Who is The CSM?
1st ranks (2 steps forward)
2nd rank (1 step forward)
3rd rank (Stands Fast)
4th rank ( 2 15in steps to the rear)
What is open ranks, march?
the number of steps per min in quick time
What is 120 steps?
4 rest position can be given at halt.
What are Rest, Parade Rest, Stand at ease, and at east?
These methods are used to teach drill.
What is Step by step, By the numbers, and Talk-through method?
A drill manual to train the colonial army; known as "The regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States". This book was the first Army Field Manual.
What is the blue book?
Reference or meaning or one step when marching
What is heel to heel?
the number of steps per min in double time
what is 180 steps?
Two prescribed formations for platoons.
What is line and column?
When rendering a hand salute, you have to keep the hand salute a certain amount of pace before and after.
What is 6 paces?
When marching only one person is never out of step.
Who is the Platoon Guide?
The foot that commandm mark time, march is given.
What is either foot?
How many inches in a forward march?
What is 30 inches per step?
a command be changed after the command of execution has been given, true or false
What is False? If the command of execution has already been given a another command has to be issued to correct the prior command. As you were is no longer allowed.
This command is given to reverse the direction of a march.
What is rear march or counter column march?
There are four movements (steps) that require 15-in steps.
What is ....
This foot is your leading foot.
What is your left foot?
the number of inches in a rear march step.
what is 15 inches per step.
Counter Column March is when...
What is On the command of “Counter Column, March”: 1st Squad will take an additional 4 steps and on the 5th step will execute a column right. They will proceed until clearing 4th Squad and execute another column right. 2nd Squad will take an additional 2 steps and on the 3rd step will execute a column right.
A military ceremony used to:
What is a review?
A guidon is...
What is a swallow-tailed flag carried by companies, batteries, troops, and certain detachments?
Column Right is called on this foot always.
What is the right foot?
The uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed, or the number of steps or counts per minute at which a movement is executed.
What is cadence?