This sensor tells the vehicle how far the throttle is open.
What is the Throttle Position sensor (TPS)?
MAP is an acronym for a sensor used on internal combustion engines.
What is Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor (MAP)?
This sensor Measures the remaining 02 levels in the exhaust stream.
What is the Oxygen sensor?
This component controls the amount of oil flow to adjust engine timing.
What is the VVT Solenoid?
if you are in doubt that a sensor is faulty the best way to verify it is to__________________.
What is pull it out?
This sensor is used on electronic throttle control systems to Identify how far the throttle should be opened.
What is the accelerator pedal position sensor?
A dirty MAF sensor will result in a __________ Fuel trim reading.
What is Lean?
Vehicle with positive fuel trim numbers are considered to be running_______.
What is lean?
This component is connected to the camshaft and physically moves to alter timing.
What is the VVT Actuator?
While diagnosing a potential vacuum leak. you should use this fluid while watching your fuel trim readings.
What is Brake clean or Propane?
Electronic throttle control systems use multiple redundant sensor for this reason.
What is safety?
When a MAF sensor system fails the vehicle will revert to this type of air measurement system.
What is speed density?
This Oxygen sensor is located opposite of cylinder #1 and is after the Catalytic convertor.
What is Bank 2 Sensor 2?
Advanced intake timing means that the intake valve will open ________ the piston reaches TDC.
What is Before?
A vehicle is running rough with random missfires on bank 1. the technician should focus on the data from this Oxygen sensor.
What is Bank 1 sensor 1
What is an Idle Air Control Valve?
Air leaks before the Mass air flow sensor typically cause the engine to run __________.
What is normal? (The only problem is unfiltered air being drawn into the engine)
This type of oxygen sensor includes a heater to reduce the time required to make the sensor operational.
What is a 4 wire sensor?
Knock sensors use a _______-________ crystal to detect pre-detonation.
What is Piezo-electric?
A vehicle is running rich. The technician should be looking for a problem in this area. (pick one)
What is Leaking Fuel injector, plugged catalytic convertor, leaking high pressure fuel pump...?
This Process is usually done as part of normal maintenance to prevent idle quality issues.
This type of air filter has a high chance of causing issues with the MAF sensor.
What is K&N air filters?
This type of fuel control uses information provided by the oxygen sensor to adjust fuel trims.
What is Closed loop?
Todays engines use __________ to reduce exhaust temperatures which reduces NOX Emissions.
What is valve Overlap?
A vehicle is running lean. The technician should be looking for a problem in this area. (pick one)
What is an air leak after the MAF sensor, low fuel pressure, dirty or malfunctioning MAF sensor...?