This vision focuses on light and color
What is peripheral
This sign is yellow
What is hazard signs
You are prohibited to pass on a
What is a solid yellow line
This arm signal means 'left turn'
What is left hand pointing up?
This is the age you must be to be eligible for a learner's permit.
15 and 6 months.
This vision keeps you on the road
What is central
This sign has 8 sides and is red
What is a stop sign
You are permitted to pass on
What is a dotted yellow line
This is the best way to communicate with other drivers at intersections
What is eye contact?
This is the age you must be to be eligible for Virginia's Driver's License.
16 and 3 months
This vision uses POT and LOS
What is focul
This sign is green
What is a guide sign
This color line is used for two-way roads
What is a yellow line
This arm signal means 'right turn'
What is left arm straight out?
You must follow the 12 am to 4 am curfew if are under this age
18 or under
As speed increases, this decreases
What is vision
This sign is blue
What is an informatory sign
This color line is used to indicate one-way traffic roadways
What is a white line
You use this to indicate a turn or change of lanes.
At this age, you are not required to wear a seatbelt in the back seat.
This takes up 90% of driving
What is vision/visual
This sign is brown
What are tourists signs
These lines strictly prohibit any vehicle in them at any time.
Zebra lines
This arm signal means 'stop'
What is left arm straight down?
At this age or younger, you are required to sit in a booster seat at all times.