What does BAC stand for?
What is Blood Alcohol Concentration
What age do can you obtain your exam permit?
What is 16
You are responsible for passengers under the age of what to wear a seatbelt?
What is 18
What road sign is an octagon shape?
What is stop sign?
How many of the 50 questions on the written exam need to be answered correctly to pass?
What is 40 questions
What is the legal BAC limit for adults under the age of 21?
What is .01%
What age can you obtain your probationary license?
What is 17
Car seats are supposed to be in the rear facing where?
What is the rear
How many feet before turning should turn signal be turned on?
What is 100 feet
What is hand position on a steering wheel?
What is 9 and 3
What is the legal BAC limit for adults over the age of 21?
What is .08%
What age can you obtain your basic license?
What is 18
What is following distance on dry roads?
What is 3 seconds
What shape is rail road warning sign?
What is circular
What is an acceleration lane?
What is an extra lane at highway entrance
What is one of four factors that affects BAC?
What is quantity, body weight, how quickly drinks are consumed, and food eaten
How many points of ID are required to get your license at the DMV?
What is 6 points
What is the speed limit in school zones?
What is 25 mph
What should a motorist do when approaching a yellow flashing light?
What is slow down and proceed with caution
What is a weave lane?
What is both an entrance and exit onto the highway
1.5 oz of 86 proof liquor is equal to 5 oz glass of wine and how many oz bottle of beer?
What is 12 oz bottle of beer
Name one primary document and one secondary document
What is a passport and school ID
What are the fines for failing to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk?
Failure to stop carries a fine of up to $500, up to 25 days in jail, community service, a driving privilege suspension of up to 6 months, and 2 points
What are the three arm signals and what do they indicate?
What is arm and hand straight up for right turn, arm and hand straight out for left turn, arm and hand down to stop
List the 6 GDL restrictions for exam permit holders.
What is curfew, no cell phones, seatbelts, red decals, passenger restrictions, accompanied by supervising driver