This lane should be used when traveling at a less than normal speed.
What is the right lane?
When parking downhill next to a curb, you should turn your wheels this way.
What is toward the curb?
This sign is a yellow sideways triangle
What is a no passing zone sign?
Keep your eyes on the road and quickly shift to neutral if this happens.
What is a jammed gas pedal?
This vehicle must yield the right of way when arriving at a four way stop at the same time as another vehicle.
What is the vehicle on the left?
This lane is meant for you to build up speed to match the speed of freeway traffic
What is the acceleration lane?
It is illegal to park within this many feet of a fire hydrant.
What is 15 feet?
This orange and red reflective triangle sign can usually be found on the back of a vehicle
What is a slow moving vehicle sign?
When braking in slick conditions, press firmly down on the brake pedal if you have this braking system.
What is an anti-lock braking system?
This is what you should do to adjust your driving in adverse conditions.
What is Slow Down?
This is how many feet you need to signal for before changing lanes on a freeway
What is 200 feet?
When parking uphill next to a curb, this is the way your wheels should be turned.
What is away from the curb?
This red upside down triangle is a regulatory sign.
What is yield?
Hold the steering wheel tight and ease off the accelerator if this happens.
What is a tire blowout?
This is the area around a large truck or bus where they cannot see.
What is a no-zone?
This is the lane you use to slow down and exit the freeway.
What is the deceleration lane?
It is illegal to park within this many feet of a stop sign.
What is 30 feet?
This sign warns you of other drivers joining from a side street.
What is a merge sign?
When braking in slick conditions without ABS, use this type of braking.
What is threshold braking?
This is how many days you have to notify the DMV of a name or address change.
What is 30 days?
This lane should be used for passing another vehicle
What is the left lane?
When parralel parking, your vehicle must be within this many inches of the curb
What is 12 inches?
This is the shape of a warning sign.
What is a diamond?
Pump the brake several times to try to build up pressure if this happens.
This vehicle has the right of way at a four way stop, every time.
What is the vehicle that arrived first?