FL law states there are certain conditions that you are required to have your headlights on. Some of these include _____________.
fog, rain, nighttime, snow sleet/hail
Traffic is separated by double yellow lines. What does this mean?
No passing
You must be ____ far from a bike rider when approaching them from the rear.
3 ft.
You see a flashing yellow light as you approach an intersection. What do you do?
You can proceed with caution/drive slowly.
A bicycle is considered a ______ in a cross walk and a _______ on the road.
You start skidding when your car hits a puddle. This is called _______.
Traffic is separated by white lines. What does this tell you?
Traffic is headed in the same direction.
Name the shape of the sign below:
Crossbuck sign
Name 2 places discussed in class where you might see flashing red/yellow lights.
Fire/police station, drawbridge, busy crosswalk/pedestrians crossing, railroad crossing, rural areas, school zones.
An 18-wheeler may also be referred to as a _____ truck.
In order to allow you to brake safely in poor conditions, most cars have a system called ABS. This stands for_______.
Anti-lock braking system
If you are driving in the wrong direction, you will see _____ on the ground.
Red reflectors
You are towing a friend's car to the car shop. You hook their car up to your car with a chain. You must also have a blank _____ attached before towing the car.
White 12x12 flag
FL law says you cannot use your ____ to signal other drivers that they can pass you.
Turn signals
To drive a moped, you need a _______ license.
Class E /Regular License.
What is an open intersection?
No signs or traffic signals to give directions
What is the difference between a solid red light and a flashing red light at an intersection?
A solid red light requires you to stop until it turns green, and a flashing red light requires you to treat it as a 4-way intersection.
Name of this sign:
Narrow Bridge sign
FL law states that you must have your low beams (regular lights) on between ______ and ________.
sunrise and sunset
What is the "no zone"?
The blind spot of larger vehicles/18-wheelers
You are pulling up to an intersection and all the traffic lights go out. Name 3 different ways to decide who gets the right of way that were discussed in class.
-Whoever gets there first
-The person to the right
-The person going straight
You are using an expressway to get to work in the city. If the lane is closed, you will see a ___. If the lane is open, you will see a downward facing____.
Red X, and downward facing green arrow
You are a pedestrian walking on the side of the road. Which way should you be oriented to the traffic?
Walking facing the traffic
The circular traffic light is red. Name a time you can make a left turn on red.
When there is a green turn arrow, or you are turning onto a one-way street
Large vehicles are required to have a high front and back bumper. If your vehicle is between 3000-5000 lbs., your bumper height needs to be _______.
28-30 in.