What is the most common reason for stealing signs?
to use for decoration.People often like to fill thier rooms with signs collections like trophys
What do people think when they see a stolen sign?
they think its a minor prank. People do no think of the disastrous effects of sign stealing
in 1996 how many people died in a car accident from a stolen stop sign?
three teenagers died. they collided with a 8 ton truck
What is the best outcome of sign stealing?
the best outcome would be someone would find out about the missing sign and replace it before someone got hurt
What is the most common consequence?
a simple fine of 100-500$
What is going through people’s minds when they see a stolen sign?
They think it is a harmless prank. They do not realize what can happen.
When signs are stolen are the thieves liable?
Thieves are not liable for the stealing of signs unless the sign stealing causes injury.
In the 1996 car accident caused by a stop sign stealing what sized truck did the three teenagers crash into?
The three teenagers crashed into an 8 ton truck.
.What can stealing signs lead to?
Stealing signs can lead to delays in traffic and car accidents. It can cause this by allowing drivers to break the law or get lost
. What is the maximum amount of jail time a person can do for stealing a sign?
The max jail time depends on what affect stealing the sign had on the community
What are examples of signs?
There are stop signs, yield signs, no passing signs and school zone signs.
Name three ways signs help us.
Signs help prevent traffic accidents help regulate speeding and helps traffic run smoothly.
it causes the driver to break the law and possibly kill someone as well what is the most common outcome of an accident led by a sign being stolen?
it causes the driver to break the law and possibly kill someone as well
What two Main law violations are sign stealing under?
Depending on how critical the affect was, the two main law violations are manslaughter and theft.
. Does the government levy stiff penalties for the crime of sign stealing?
Yes the government does lead stiff penalties for the crime of sin stealing
How do some counties try to prevent sign stealing?
They put up stickers warning of legal punishment
What with law officials have to do if sign stealing does not end?
They will have to increase punishment.
What is the fraction of all fatal accidents that are caused by sign stealing
1/5 of all fatal accidents
What kind of affect do you get when you put up signs stating legal punishment
Most sign stealers ignore it and keep stealing signs
Canada once had to pay $30,000 to replace street signs. What is an example of fines paid for stolen stop signs?
Canada once had to pay $30,000 to replace street signs.