Share The Road
Drugs & Alcohol
Signs & Markings
Law of Driving

At a Traffic circle (rotary) which driver has the right of way?

What is the Driver of the vehicle already within the circle?


One Drink over your limit could cost you?

What is Over $7,000 dollars?


What type of sign is White and Black?

What is a regulatory sign...Regulates and is the Law.


If you are under 21 years of age, you will lose your license, If you have ____ alcohol in your  blood?

What is 0.00% Can not have "ANY"?


Doubling your speed, will multiply your braking distance by:

Four (4) times?


If you encounter an aggressive driver on the road, and they are yelling, and using foul language, you should?

Do not make direct eye contact, and avoid all conflict?


The following statement is true: People only get drunk when switching between different drinks.

FALSE  this is a myth.


you see an orange diamond/rectangular-shaped sign with black letters or symbols with cones on the road. What type of sign is this?

What is a work zone/construction sign?


According to Maine law... Person 21 years of age or older, is legally drunk if their BAC, blood alcohol content is?

What is 0.08%?


Roads are likely to be more slippery when:

What is the first 15 minutes of a rain/drizzle, sleet/snow.  

oil/fluids on the road come up to surface.


When passing a bicyclist as a driver you should Drive____ and Leave _____ feet between you and the cyclist.

Drive cautiously, (Slow down, Increase space Cushion)

leave a minimum of three (3) feet between you and the bicyclist when you pass them.


Mixing alcohol and any other drugs:

Can cause DEATH?


What is the sign called that is white and black with red lines and circles on it?

What are prohibition signs. 


When does Maine law require you to have low-beam headlights turned on?

Sunset to Sunrise,     When your windshield wipers are in constant use.       Whenever the light is to dim to 1000 feet ahead of you.


Following to close, Tailgating, Not using signals, Not coming to a stop at a stop sign and continuing around the corner is what type of driving.

Aggressive Driving?


You are about to make a left-hand turn into a side street.  There is a bicyclist going straight... who has the right of way?

The bicyclist does.    Remember a left-hand turn is more dangerous.


True or False...Marijuana use can distort time and space, It can stay in your body for up to 6 days.

Chemicals in Marijuana can stay in your body for up to 6 weeks it is stored in your fat.


Slow-moving vehicle signs are:

Are placed directly on the vehicles in the back?


On Maine roads what are the three things you must consider when driving the posted speed limit, and when can you do this?

(1)Road conditions, (2)posted speed limit, (3)any and all adverse conditions...

Remember conditions are the best or optimum for SAFE driving


Give me at least (10)  the places it is unsafe to PASS another car

(1) hills, (2) curves, (3) bridge, (4)railroad tracks (5) Ent. & Exits to Hiway, (6) Mall Entrances, (7)school zones,(8) parking lots, (9)work zones, (10) Intersections, 2-way,3,4, and 5-way.


Where is a Tractor Trailers blind spots (No-Zones)

There are four(4) with the passenger side the largest.


Name Four (4) over-the-counter drugs that can and will affect the way you drive:

what are (1) cough syrup, (2) analgesics, (3) cold medicines, and (4)allergy medications?

ALWAYS read the label.


(Lanes of traffic moving in the same direction)  Broken lines on the road change to solid white lines.

placed there to discourage you from merging or changing lanes at a High-Risk locations.


When you operate a motor vehicle in the state of Maine, you automatically agree to submit to a BAC when higher authorities request it,  this is called?

"Implied Consent"  When you sign your first 2-year lic. (probationary) you are signing implied consent


you are about to use the shared left turn lane.  What are the Five (5) things you need to remember and do??

(1) don't get into it too soon. (2) Need Turn signal  (3) Mirror, mirror, shoulder check. (4)Make sure your car is all the way in.  (5) you are responsible for being aware of all cross traffic.