Means that you may pass if the broken line is closest to your lane.
What is a solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line ?
This sign means: Do not pass other vehicles for any reason.
What is the Do Not Pass sign?
This can frustrate other drivers and make them angry.
What is tailgating other drivers?
0.08% or higher.
What is the legal maximum BAC?
Signal, check mirrors, and look over shoulder.
What is the proper way to change lanes?
For this situation, you should drive to right edge and stop.
What is emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you?
Upside down, red and white triangle. Means to slow down, defer to oncoming and intersecting traffic, stop when necessary, proceed when safe, and remain aware of oncoming vehicles.
What is a yield sign?
When you're driving angrily and cannot control your actions.
What is road rage?
This is never permitted under any circumstances because it can impair your driving.
What is driving under the influence of any medication that impairs your driving?
If you are convicted of this, you may be sentenced up to 6 months in jail.
What is excessive BAC?
This means to slow down and be alert of upcoming intersection.
What is a flashing yellow light?
Yellow diamond with black plus sign. Means to be aware of upcoming intersection.
What is a cross road sign?
This puts you and other drivers in danger. Leading cause of traffic collision. Common in a lot of younger drivers.
What is texting and driving?
If this happens while you are driving, you should let the call go to voicemail or pull over.
What is your cell phone ringing when you are driving?
In the US, someone dies every __ minutes in a traffic collision.
What is every 12 minutes?
If you do this, you will most likely interfere with traffic and receive a ticket.
What is driving slower than the flow of traffic?
Means that you may not go back the way you came from.
What is a No U-Turn sign?
In these conditions, you should turn on your headlights so you can see and so other drivers can see you.
What is dawn, dusk, rain, heavy fog, or snow?
In these areas, you should drive 25 mph.
What is around schools or residential buildings?
90% of wrecks happen here.
What is intersections?
If you are in this situation, you should slow to a safe speed before the curve.
What is exiting a freeway on a ramp that curves downhill?
Regulatory, warning, guide, and international
What are the four main sign categories?
To do this action, you should flash emergency lights.
What is warning other drivers of a danger ahead?
You should yield this when it may help prevent collisions.
What is your legal right-of-way?
To help this problem, you can eat, open a window, turn up music, or get out and stretch.