Name four different types of adverse conditions that can affect driving.
gravel, ice, wet leafs, and potholes.
What do dashed lines down the center of the roadway indicate?
Dashed lines down the center indicate you can pass
What is an octagon sign
What is the proper following distance
3 seconds
What should your following distance be if you are traveling in adverse conditions such as a snow covered road?
6 seconds
What do solid lines down the center of the roadway indicate?
Solid lnes mean you can not pass
What is x shaped and white
A railroad crossing
What is highway hypnosis
Highway hypnosis is a trance like state
When making turns how early should you signal
100 ft
What do yellow lines down the center of the roadway indicate?
Yellow lines seperate lanes for each directon
What is a triangle sign
What should you be extra careful of while driving on open land or in farm coutnry?
You should be extra careful in open land and farm country due to live stock and deer running in the road.
When are the road surfaces most slippery?
They are most slipperly right as it is starting to rain.
What do white lines down the center of the roadway indicate?
white lines down the center show where the road ends.
What is a blue sign with a wheel chair
Handicap space
A motorist is at most risk for drowsy driving if they have been driving for a long time.
If they are sleep deprived, and have been driving for a long time
When must your headlights be used?
Your head lights must be used between 1/2 hour after sunset, and 1/2hr before sunrise.
What does one solid and one dashed line down your side of the roadway indicate?
One solid line and one dashed line mean you cant pass if you are on the solid line side but other side can pass.
What is the order of colors on a traffic light hung vertically?
The order is red, yellow, green
Name some tell-tale signs of a drunk driver:
speeding,weaving,slow driving,jerking, quick stops.