Road Signs
Oregon Driver's Manual
Driving Safety
Driving Techniques
It's a Mystery!

A round, yellow sign with black letters.

What is a "railroad ahead" sign?


Here is where you drive 15 mph.

What are alleys and narrow residential areas?


Not safe to pass another vehicle.

What is when a car is stopped because pedestrians are in the crosswalk


When there's no oncoming traffic do this to get on your way safely.

What is passing?


Before going through an intersection always search here, here, and here.

What is left, front, right?


This is a circular sign with a red slash.

What are turns that are prohibited.


This is the only place you can do a u-turn legally even though a sign is not posted.

What is on a rural highway?


Any time a yellow light on a school speed sign is flashing.

What is indicating that children are arriving at or leaving school.


You must be careful when it's raining to prevent this.

What is hydroplaning?


Treat this like there are stop signs in all directions

What is a traffic signal not working because of a power outage 


This sign has a circle with peg/dashes coming out each direction.

What is a roundabout sign?


When you see or hear an emergency vehicle warning, you must do this.

What is immediately drive as close as you safely can to the right side of the road and stop


Be prepared to slow down or adjust your position when you see this sign.

What is slow moving vehicles, such as farm equipment, ahead, prepare to slow down


When you parallel park, you need to be no more than ___ inches away from the curb.

What is 12 inches?


Designated stretches of highway with more fatal and serious injury crashes than the statewide average.

What is a safety corridor.



I am a yellow sign with arrows merging.

What is traffic merging from the side shown.


Drive at a speed that is reasonable and cautious for existing conditions, on all roads at all times.

What is the basic rule law?


When a pedestrian is in your lane of travel, in a lane next to your lane of travel, including a bike lane, or on the lane you are turning into.

What is stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian crossing in a crosswalk 


If you can’t see the driver in the side mirror of the large vehicle, the driver can’t see you.

What is a blind spot.


Must be turned on from sunset to sunrise, and also must be on at any time conditions make it difficult to see people or vehicles 1,000 feet ahead.

What is your headlights.


This shows to proceed with caution. Stop not required.

What is a flashing, yellow light?


Doing this ends with jail time, license suspension, and fines. Other penalties may be included.

What is driving DUII?


You must stop here at a railroad crossing when there is no stop line.

What is stop at least 15 feet from the nearest railroad rail.


Speed up and merge with traffic.

What is entering a freeway


When turning from one road to another you will do this.

What is turn in the nearest lane in the direction you want to go.