Driving behaviors
Road Lights/signs
Safety on the road
Illegal maneuvers

The three positions that are used when maneuvering in your lane. (Motorcycles bikes and scooters use these often) 

Lane positions 1, 2, and 3


diamond-shaped signs that are often yellow or orange and used in dangerous or slowed areas.

Warning signs

The safest way to wear a seatbelt

Sungly across your hips and upper body


Driving across the line at a red hexagon-shaped sign or red light without stopping



A driving distraction is

when a driver is focused on something other than the driving task


A double yellow line marking the middle of the road

A no-passing zone


Entering a roundabout.

Yield to the cars within 


This lets you know you are coming up to a stop sign or are on the shoulder of the road, and helps in bad weather conditions.

A rumble strip


Passing a car when on a hill, when there is another car coming, or when there are double yellow lines.



When someone is slowed down to stare at an animal or accident while driving

Gawking, wide-eyed


One of the three parts of the HTS (highway transportation system)

roadway users, vehicles, or roadways


When a light that is yellow is about to turn red

a flashing yellow light


The safest type of parking

reverse angle parking


this affects your central nervous system and can cause your judgment and reasoning skills lessen.

your BAC level


Name one of the four types of driving distractions and give an example

 cognitive, visual, auditory, and biomechanical

Cognitive; a daydream or talking on the phone   Visual; looking at a dead animal                     Auditory; like a siren or crying child.      Biomechanical; pushing a button, eating, or turning a dial.


identify important information, predict when and where a conflict could occur, decide what to do to avoid a conflict, and execute the correct action to prevent it.

IPDE process


Green, brown, and blue signs that tell you where hospitals, points of interest, fuel, and destinations are

Guide signs


This will help your ability to take risks, judge, reason, and develop your decision-making skills.

by controlling your emotions


Name 2 reasons you would stop at a green light

there are other cars still in the intersection, pedestrians are using a crosswalk, An emergency vehicle is approaching, there has been an accident


animals and insects, food and drink, passengers, loose objects, and cell phones/technology are

inside-the-vehicle distractions


Dont abruptly brake, steer sharply, hit bumps holes, and poor roadway surfaces, have unbalance wheels and poor alignment, and overinflate or underinflate your tires. To ...

 minimize the risk of tire failure


When a person is using a sign to direct traffic in a construction zone, a school zone, or at an accident.

stop and listen to their instructions.


The three factors that affect your vision

ability to perceive colors, depth, and what time you are driving at


The five steps of making a responsible decision

knowing when a decision is needed, considering the choices, considering the consequences (is it safe, is it legal, what would my family & friends think, and does it show respect for myself & others), deciding which choice is the best, and evaluating to know if it was responsible.


how do peer pressure and peer influence differ

with one being external and one being internal. Peer pressure could influence your decision to drink and drive by doing something just to fit into the group.