What does this signal indicate?
Stop (and wait for green)
What does this sign mean?
You should always put this on before you shift into drive.
Seat Belt
How should your rear view mirror be aligned?
It should be aligned well enough that you can see anything behind your car through your rear window.
True or False: You should take shelter under an overpass during severe weather
False. Overpasses can amplify winds and funnel debris into your vehicle.
What does a double yellow line (pictured below) indicate?
No passing
What does this sign mean?
Yield (Yield Right of Way) or "Give way"
You should make sure these safety devices are properly positioned when you get into your vehicle.
Rearview mirrror and wing mirrors
True or False: Blind spots only exist on large vehicles
False. Even the smallest vehicles can have blind spots.
These large vehicles have lots of blind spots and may need to make wider left turns than a standard vehicle.
Semi Trucks
True or False: You are allowed to speed up to "make" a yellow light.
What does this sign indicate?
This sign warns you that a roundabout is ahead.
You should turn these on when it is dark, foggy, very cloudy, or raining.
True or False: Your wing (side) mirrors should mostly show the side of your car
False. You should align your mirrors to see as much around you as possible, and only leave a little bit of the car in view for reference when backing up.
At what temperature will a wet road surface freeze?
32 degrees or lower.
This word means the place where two roads or paths meet or cross.
What does this sign warn you of?
It warns you that the right lane ends ahead and that if you're in that lane you must merge left.
You should check these before changing lanes.
Mirrors and blind spots
True or False: You should avoid lingering in someone else's blindspot
Even though they aren't motorized _____ are considered legal vehicles on most Mississippi roads, and you must treat them as such.
This phrase means you have the privilege of the immediate use of the roadway.
What does this sign indicate?
A blue sign with a white question mark indicates the location of a tourist information center.
What is the left lane for on high speed roads?
True or False: The blind spots are the same on every vehicle
False. Every vehicle has a different blind spot.
You should do this when you encounter a flooded roadway