What is ABS?
Anti-lock brakes
A pentagon (5 point) sign that is red
what is a STOP sign
It is illegal to honk / blow your horn at these when driving
horse riders
You should do this when you see a school bus' red lights flashing.
What's the first thing you should do when you get in a car?
Buckle up!
True or False: If my BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is still under the legal limit (0.08%), I'm ok to drive.
FALSE! ANY alcohol in your system will impair your driving.
A light that has 3 colors; green, yellow and red
What is a traffic light?
You must yield to whom:
bicyclists, pedestrians
What is the speed limit in a school zone?
20 mph.
True or False: It's safe to drive when you're tired
FALSE: Driving after being awake for 16 hours (or more) has the same affect on you as driving drunk.
I freeze over faster than others.
Bridges, ramps and overpasses.
What is a diamond-shaped sign?`
A road-hazard sign
Slow down and watch for pedestrians.
What is the color of school crossing signs?
Neon yellow/green.
True or False: it's ok to multi-task (text, talk, eat, draw, drink) while driving?
FALSE. 100% of your attention should be on the road at all times.
I see a wet, shiny spot up on the road and it's COLD out.
Black ice
What do I do if the traffic light turns yellow?
Slow down.
When the crosswalk sign has an image of a person walking.
What is crossing the street?
What does it mean when a school bus' lights are flashing yellow?
They're going to stop soon and you need to slow down and stop UNLESS there is a median in between you and the bus.
What do you do if you hear a siren?
Pull over to the right side of the road and slow down/stop.
You should not drive when you are feeling....
Angry, over-excited, emotional, tired, impaired, irritated, impatient
A blinking red light means....
Stop. Usually this is a 4-way stop so make sure you look both ways before you move / turn.
You must stop for my lights or pull over to the right
True or False: It's ok to park in a handicapped spot if you're just running in a store / school to get something.
FALSE: The handicap spots are there for a reason and people need them.
What should you do if you get in an accident?
1. Check that everyone is ok
2. Stay at the scene
3. Call 911 or the local police immediately
4. Stay in the car
5. Stay calm
6. Contact your insurance provider