Bad Drivers
Safe or Unsafe?
Driving Knowledge
What Would You Do?

Your friend just got their license, but they're always on their phone, even while they're driving. As you're in the car with them, you notice them looking down at their phone a lot while driving. What should you do?

- Tell your friend to pay attention to the road

- If your friend doesn't listen and you continue to feel unsafe, tell your friend that you don't feel comfortable riding with them


What is this sign?

The speed limit is the maximum speed you can drive in a given area. If you drive faster than this, you can put yourself and others in danger and be at risk for getting pulled over and fined.


You're driving and want to listen to music. Your friends all play music while they drive so why wouldn't you? Is this safe or unsafe?

Safe - as long as YOU don't feel distracted by the music, there's nothing wrong with playing music while you drive. Avoid playing music too loudly so that you can hear other cars around you.


If you have a green light you can keep going, but you should always...

Check to make sure it is clear before you can go


You are driving and it begins to rain. The roads can be dangerous when they are wet if you aren't safe. What would you do to be safe?

- Slow down

- Turn on your headlights if they're not already on

- Hold the steering wheel study

- Don't slam on the brakes


Your friend loves to speed. You try to play it cool, but it really scares you when he drives and there have been a few really close calls. Today, he's being even more aggressive, but he's your only ride to home from school. What should you do?

- Speak up for your safety and tell your friend to slow down

- Tell your friend that you aren't comfortable being driven by them because they drive too fast. No ride home is worth risking your life.


What does this sign mean?

School zone - you should slow down


Last night you stayed up super late, and only got 2 hours of sleep. The next day after being at school all day, you are exhausted but want to drive out of town to buy something you want. As you're driving, you notice that your eyes start to feel heavy. Is this safe or unsafe?

Unsafe - pull over immediately when you feel like you could fall asleep while driving. If you feel too tired to drive, then you are too tired to drive. Don't go out unless you feel awake enough to drive.


Unless it is posted otherwise, what is the speed limit in a residential neighborhood?

25 mph


You are driving on a twisty road that has sharp curves. What should you do?

Slow down


On highways, you may find that you want to pass someone going slower than you. You will often see people passing you on both your right and left sides. Which side should you NOT be on to pass a car?

You should never pass a car on the right. Because people sit on the left side of their cars, it's harder for them to see around their car on the right side. The person to your left may try to get into your lane when you are right next to them because they don't see you.

What does this sign mean?

No U-turns


You're in the back seat of someone's car and don't have your seatbelt on. No one else back here is wearing a seatbelt, so it seems fine to not wear yours. Is this safe or unsafe?

Unsafe - If you get into an accident, a seatbelt could be the difference as to whether or not you survive.


If you need to pull over to the side of the road, what lights should you turn on?

Your hazard lights


You are driving on the highway when you come up to a truck and are driving right behind it. If you're right behind the truck, then you are in their blind spot: the cannot see you. What should you do?

- Drive further behind them than you would a regular car

- If there is another lane, switch lanes so that you can pass the truck


You're on your way to school and notice a car following super close behind you. This is called tailgating. Should you speed up, slow down, or move out of the way?

Move out of the way - Erratic drivers are everywhere, and it's better to just avoid them. If you have a driver tailgating you and honking at you, it is safest to switch lanes if possible, and if not, pull your car over to let them pass. Don't take it too seriously especially when you don't know if the person is dealing with an emergency. It's best to be cautious and avoid driving near this driver.


What does this sign mean?

Railroad crossing


Your friends convince you to drink alcohol at their house and you end up drinking a bit. You want to drive home now. It's been 2 hours since you drank and you feel completely fine at this point. Is it safe to get back on the road?

No - There is a law called Zero Tolerance that makes it illegal for people under the age of 21 to drive with ANY measurable amount of alcohol in their blood


You're driving when you see this sign:

What should you do?

Be prepared to slow down to the reduced posted speed limit


When an emergency vehicle is approaching you with their lights flashing and their siren blaring, what should you do?

 Pull over and stop


As you're driving home at night, you notice that the car in front of you is driving slowly, breaking a lot, and swerving. As you get closer, you think that they are a drunk driver. What should you do?

- Give them plenty of room: this will help you predict their actions and have time to brake, move out of the way, etc

- Don't drive in front of them

- If you think that their driving could endanger someone, take note of their license plate and call 911 to report the incident when you are parked


What are all of these signs?

These are all signs that are meant to alert the driver of something coming up. This can be weather hazards, upcoming stop signs and traffic lights, and sudden turns.


You're driving up to a traffic light and the light turns yellow. You're about to go through the intersection and think you can get through before the light turns red. Is this safe?

Yes, if you're close enough. If the light turns red before you are in the intersection, you cannot go.


You're out driving at night when suddenly, a deer runs in front of your car. Should you quickly swerve out of the way, or hit your brakes?

Hit your brakes - swerving quickly can make you accidentally run off of the road. This can be far more dangerous


You come to an intersection and the traffic lights aren't working. What should you do?

- An intersection without working traffic lights should be treated as a four-way stop. Pretend that you're stopped at a stop sign; whoever got there first has the right to move first, and so on.