According to 14 CFR Part 107, an
sUAS is an unmanned aircraft system
Less than 55 lbs
0.55 - 55 lbs
A person whose sole task is
watching the sUAS to report
hazards to the rest of the crew
is called:
Visual observer
A commercial sUAS can be
registered via the online
process when:
the total aircraft weight is less than 55 lbs with fuel battery.
Within how many days must an sUAS
accident be reported to the FAA?
10 days
A person applying for a remote
pilot certificate with an sUAS
rating must be at least:
16 years old
According to 14 CFR Part 107,
the responsibility of
inspecting a small unmanned
aircraft system (sUAS) lies
with the:
Remote Pilot in Command
Remote PIC
According to 14 CFR Part 48,
when would a small unmanned
aircraft owner not be
permitted to register it?
If the owner is less than 13 years of age
When can a Remote Pilot-in-
Command deviate from the Part 107
rules to go into Class C airspace?
When an in-flight emergency occurs
After receiving a Part 107
remote pilot certificate with
an sUAS rating, how often must
you satisfy recurrent training
Every 24 calendar months
2 years
A person without a Part 107
remote pilot certificate may
operate an sUAS for commercial
Under the direct supervision of a Remote PIC
If your UA is destroyed, sold,
lost, or transferred, do you
need to do anything?
Yes, you should cancel your online sUAS registration
The Part 107 regulations
apply to
civil unmanned aircraft operations
Before each flight, the Remote
PIC must ensure that:
Objects carried on the sUAS are secure
How often must you re-register
aircraft commercially at $5
per UAV?
Every 3 years
To avoid a possible collision
with a manned airplane, you
estimate that your small UA
climbed to an altitude greater
than 600 feet AGL. To whom must
you report the deviation?
The Federal Aviation Administration
upon request
You’ve just changed your home
address. When do you need to
notify the FAA of this change?
within 30 days
You have your Remote Pilot
Certificate and want to fly with
another pilot whose certificate
has expired. You plan to use a
buddy box system. How does this
Each pilot has his or her own control system, and you have the ability to override controls
What must operators of
foreign-registered drones with
FAA Remote ID submit before
flying their drone in the U.S.
National Airspace System
Notice of Identification (NOI
In the event of an accident, list 2 types of injuries that would require you to report the accident to the FAA?
broken bones
loss of consciousness
anything that causes a hospital visit/stay