DRR Facts
True or False
SO Humor
FDIC Bank Facts
The legislation was enacted by Congress in an effort to restore the public’s confidence and resolve the savings and loan crisis of the 1980's
What was FIRREA
FDIC is the only federal regulator
What is False
A former member of SO Irvine starred in a movie with Golden Globe Winner Kevin Bacon
Who is Big Al Sondag
The Best and Worst CAMEL ratings for a bank
What is 1 and 5
The FDIC does not close banks, we open them
Who is Sheila Bair
Alan Cranston, Don Riegle, Dennis DeConcini, John Glenn, and John McCain
Who are the Keating 5
FDIC requires a standard proof of claim form to be completed by a potential claimant before a claim will be considered or reviewed
What is True
Flip flops and shorts
What is JAX's Friday night closing attire
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created by The Banking Act of 1935
What is known as the second Glass-Steagall Act of 1933
We don't know what we don't know
Who is Cathy Powers
The state with the most bank failures with 898 failures from 1934 to 2008.
What is the state of Texas
The completed proof of claim and supporting documentation from a potential post closing claim must be received by the Receiver no later than 90 days from the date of post-mark of the notice letter, whichever is later
What is True
The number of SO manager's it takes to change a light bulb.
What is 3, one to change it (Tom), one to make up a joke about it (Arthur), and the other to setup a committee to ensure the manager who changed the bulb was within their scope of work and monitor their OT (Craig)
FDIC insurance protects deposits but not the contents of these items.
What is a safe deposit box.
The DRR key concepts: Agile, Act, Activate, and Accomplish.
Who is Ron Bieker
Received payment of the first deposit insurance on July 5, 1934, because of the failure of Fon Du Lac Stat Bank in East Peoria, Illinois.
Who is Mrs. Lydia Losiger
The creditor claims bar date may not fall on a weekend or holiday
What is True
Ridiculous number of SRP revisions for new SRP format
What happens when Tom Giffin is team lead of a project?
On December 23, 1913, an Act of Congress created the nation’s central bank
What is the Federal Reserve Act
Feb 13, 2009 ... “It was so painful downsizing after the last banking crisis,”
Who is James Wigand
Winner of the 2009 Nancy H. Doherty Award
Who is Arthur Cook
Winning this contest will get you a promotion
What is False
15 requests for Emmy nomination
What are the number of times Arthur has attempted to win an Emmy from his 60 minutes episode
The First Bank of the United States was not the first chartered bank in the territory that is now the United States, that distinction belongs to this bank that was chartered on the last day in 1781 by the Congress of the ConfederationBank of North America.
What is Bank of North America
Feb 13, 2009 ... “We are trying to be ready for the inevitable,”
Who is Mitchell L. Glassman