Addiction 101
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Addiction Resources
Name That Drug
Risk Management

People, places, and things can be referred to as...

What are Triggers


Suzy has been using 1 bag of Heroin for the last 9 months, and recently noticed she needed to use 2 bags to feel high.

What is Tolerance


A person that has completed the steps of a fellowship program and chooses to guide another person through the same steps.

What is a Sponsor


Yawning, diarrhea, teary eyes or runny nose, muscle aches, dilated pupils, goose bumps or sweating are signs of withdrawal from this substance.

What are Opioids


Providing locations to a needle exchange, safe using sights, and never use alone phone number is an example of this evidence-based intervention.

What is Harm Reduction


What is the pleasure chemical in our brain that plays a major role in SUD?

What is Dopamine


Barnaby typically buys a 6 pack for the weekend on Fridays after work. The last two Saturdays he has had to run out to get another 6 pack in addition to the one he already had.

What is More Than Intended


What is the first stage of treatment for someone in severe withdrawal?

What is Detox


Heart racing, hand tremors, sleep problems, Hallucinations, anxiety or nervousness, restlessness, agitation, and seizures are signs of withdrawal from one of these two substances.

What are Alcohol and Benzodiazepines


IV use, comorbid medical issues, using alone are all considered?

What are Overdose Risk Factors


The individual has decided to change their behavior, and they begin to think about how to do so. During this stage they will begin to make minor changes to support their goal, but they might not have completely ended the unwanted behavior.

What is Preparation


Rhonda has consistently missed meeting her friends for a Saturday morning run due to going out drinking Friday night.

What is Reduction of Recreational Activities


Step 1 in the 12-step program.

What is Admitting Powerlessness. 


Jitteriness, sweating, and dilated pupils are a sign that someone is under the influence of what?

What are Stimulants


Denial, resentment, lack of structure, pulling away from support’s are all signs of?

What is Reoccurrence 


Symptoms of this include irritability, depressed mood, and difficulty with cognitive tasks such as problem-solving

What is PAWS


Promising to yourself that you will drink alcohol less or thinking often about cutting down or reducing while struggling to implement this is an example of this criteria.

What is Persistent Desire or Unsuccessful Efforts to Cut Down or Control Alcohol Use


This organization was established by Bill W. and Bob Smith in Akron, OH.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous 


Effects and withdrawal symptoms are similar to opioids and comes in forms including liquid vials, loose leaf powder similar to tea, and capsules.

What is Kratom


Being under the influence are more at risk of acting on these thoughts?

What are suicidal thoughts/lethality


It is a common myth that people with substance use disorders (SUD) have to hit THIS before they can get help

What is Rock Bottom


A period of time that one cannot recall fully during a period of alcohol use such as a blackout and continues to drink.

What is Use Despite Recurrent Physical or Psychological Problem that is Likely to Have Been Caused or Exacerbated by the Alcohol.


These self-help programs are an alternative to spiritually based recovery fellowships.

What are SOS, Smart Recovery, or Dharma Recovery


This drug has a very short life span in the body and on average requires users to have a craving every 40 minutes.

What is Nicotine (or stimulants in general)


Your patient presents to the clinic under the influence of alcohol. What tools do you use to ensure safety?

What are CIWA and BAC