General Facts
Alcohol Safety

Marijuana is not addictive. True or False?

False. While it is less addictive than alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs, it is still addictive. People who use marijuana before the age of 18 are 4-7x more likely to develop an addiction than adults. 


Name three coping skills that you can use instead of drinking or smoking.


Exercise, cooking, watching tv, journaling, etc.


How many servings is one shot (1.5oz) of liquor?

One. A shot (1.5oz) is equal to one serving of alcohol.


How many drinks does your liver filter out per hour?

One. The liver can only filter out one drink per hour.


What is the addictive chemical in a vape?



What is the main psychoactive(mind-altering) chemical in marijuana?



What is withdrawl?

Physical and mental symptoms that occur after stopping or reducing intake of a drug.


How many ounces are in a single serving of beer?

 12 oz


How many drinks does it take to be above the legal limit to drive (BAC=.08)?

Four to five standard drinks. 


Vaping decreases feelings of anxiety and depression. True or False?

False. Vaping may provide a quick buzz, but research shows it increases feelings of depressions and anxiety.


Marijuana is a “gateway” drug, leading to the use of harder drugs. True or False?

False. The majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other harder substances, so marijuana use does not necessarily lead to the use of harder drugs. Some research, however, suggests that marijuana use is likely to precede the use of other legal and illegal drugs and the development of addiction to other substances. 


What is drug tolerance?

Needing more of a drug in order to get the same effect due to prior use of the drug.


What is the equivalent amount of cigarettes in one vape?

20 cigarettes. A 20mg/ml vape, with 40mg of nicotine, is the equivalent of smoking one or two packs of 20 cigarettes.


What is the good samaritan law?

According to Pennsylvania State Law, minors that dial 911 in order to get help for someone facing an alcohol-related emergency are exempt from criminal charges, even if they have been consuming alcohol as well. This law only applies if the caller remains with the individual that needs attention. Calling 911 and fleeing the scene may result in criminal charges for both you and your friend.


How often do you have to smoke to show signs of addiction?

  • Less than 10 puffs/hits a month.
  • In some teens, all it takes is 1 cigarette a month to show signs of addiction.

What are the two categories that cannabis plants fall into?

Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.


What does BAC stand for?

Blood alcohol concentration.


Can you overdose on THC? What are three of symptoms?

Yes. Symptoms can be anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, nausea/vomiting, and hallucinations. 


If someone is experiencing alcohol poisoning and throwing up what should you not do?

Put them on their back.


Provide four withdrawal symptoms of nicotine.

1. Cravings

2. Feeling irritable

3. Feeling jumpy/ restless

4. Having a hard time concentrating

5. Having trouble sleeping

6. Feeling hungry

7. Feeling anxious, sad, or depressed


While brown crystals are natural to marijuana, what do blue or white crystals indicate?

Blue or white crystals indicate that the marijuana was laced with a harmful substance.


Smokeless nicotine pouches like Zyn are less addictive than vapes. True or false?

False. While there is no smoke, the addictive ingredient, nicotine, is present in even higher concentrations than vapes. 


How many drinks would someone have to drink at one time (2-3 hours) to be considered a binge drinker?

For women, binge drinking is 4 or more drinks consumed on one occasion (one occasion = 2-3 hours). For men, binge drinking is 5 or more drinks consumed on one occasion.


What is one way you can tell that you are safe to drive after drinking?

Trick question! There is no way to tell if you are safe to drive after drinking. Even if you take a breathalyzer test, legal does not equal safe. 


Provide two examples of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)




Inhaler (prescription)

Nasal Spray (prescription)