Drugs and the Body
Did You Know?
Ups and Downs
______ represents the percentage of alcohol to blood.
What is Blood Alcohol Content?
The mental and physical problems affecting someone who is addicted and stops using a drug is known as:
What is Withdrawal?
This is the most commonly abused type of substance by high school seniors after Alcohol & Marijuana.
What are prescription drugs?
Scarring of air sacs in lung which thickens and narrows airways. Caused by diacetyl in Vaping smoke. Symptoms are similar to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). This is know as _____.
What is popcorn lung?
Name 3 types of depressants.
What are -Xanax -Valium -Cannabis -Opioids -Alcohol -Sleep medication
The legal limit of BAC in the state of NY.
What is .08% for adults over 21 and .02% for anyone under 21?
When the body adjusts to the drug, requiring larger amounts to get the same feeling is known as:
What is Tolerance?
The percent of American adolescents (aged 12-17) who suffer from a substance use disorder (at least 2 of the 12 criteria met).
What is 5%, or 1 in 12?
Ways nicotine affects brain until 25.
What are - build synapses faster than adult brains so can get addicted more easily. - elevates dopamine which provides pleasure. - interferes with cognitive development, executive function and impulse control.
These types of depressants are the most common drug linked to suicide in the country.
What is Vicodin and Sleeping Pills?
Alcohol enters your bloodstream within this amount of time of being consumed.
What is 5 to 10 minutes? It passes from your stomach into your bloodstream and then travels throughout your entire body-affecting nearly every organ system in the body.
Marijuana directly affects the area of the brain that controls these two functions that begin with the letter "M".
What is Memory and Motivation?
Name 3 of the 12 criteria that define a substance use disorder.
What are hazardous use, social/interpersonal problems related to use, neglected major roles to use, legal problems, withdrawal, tolerance, used larger amounts/longer, repeated attempts to quit/control use, much time spend using, physical/psychological problems related to use, craving.
These are found in smoke from Vaping, or E-cigarettes.
What are -Nicotine -Diacetyl, a chemical linked to a serious lung disease -VOC such as benzene, which is found in car exhaust -Heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and lead.
4 types of stimulants.
What are caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine?
Excessive drinking increases the risk of these cancers.
Mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, liver, and breast
True or False: Abusing drugs increases Dopamine levels in the brain.
What is True?
This is the leading cause of preventable death among adults in the US (about 1 of every 5 deaths per year)
What is cigarette smoking?
These are the positive and negative effects of smoking marijuana.
What are - Respiratory system: ammonia and hydrogen cyanide irritate lungs. More likely to wheeze, cough, and have bronchitis and lung infections. Aggravates asthma and CF. -Circulatory system: increases heart rate 20-50 bpm for up to 3 hrs. Could raise risk for heart attack. Lowers pressure in eyes for a few hours which can relieve glaucoma pain. -CNS: Triggers large amounts of dopamine- impaired judgement. Affect cerebellum and basal ganglia (movement and balance), hallucinations and/or delusions. -Digestive system: Liver damage. Can ease nausea. Increase in appetite. -Immune system: more susceptible to illness.
These are the effects of stimulant abuse.
What are - Persistent psychosis: paranoia, mood and visual disturbances, and disorganized thought. -Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD): re-experiencing of symptoms (i.e., “flashbacks”) such as hallucinations, intensified colors, and other visual disturbances.
The number of drinks an individual must consume within two hours to be considered binge drinking For men: For women:
What is : For women, 4 or more drinks. For men, 5 or more drinks.
Heroin turns into _____ once it enters the body.
What is Morphine?
Abuse of Rx stimulants, ex Ritalin & Adderall, could lead to these symptoms.
What are -Feelings of hostility and paranoia. -Dangerously high body temperature and an irregular heartbeat. -Potential for heart system failure or fatal seizures.
Name 3 common effects of hallucinogens.
What are -Euphoria -Insomnia -Hallucinations -Make it hard to communicate or think clearly -Rapid, intense, emotional mood swings -Trembling -Anxiety -Fear -Paranoia
These are some short term effects of depressants (alcohol, codeine, ketamine, rohypnol, etc).
What are result in a slowed pulse and breathing, slurred speech, drowsiness, lowered blood pressure, poor concentration, fatigue and confusion, as well as impaired coordination, memory and judgment.