Famous Drug Cases
Prevention and Education
Drug Effects
Drug Myths and Facts
Teen Drug Trends

This notorious Colombian drug lord, often referred to as "The King of Cocaine," was the leader of the Medellín Cartel and was responsible for smuggling massive amounts of cocaine into the United States. Who is he?

Answer: "Pablo Escobar"


This widely recognized national campaign focuses on discouraging drug use among youth and often features a famous red ribbon as its symbol. What is the name of this campaign?

Answer:  "Red Ribbon Week"


This hallucinogenic drug is a group of fungi that contain psilocybin which turns into psilocin upon ingestion, and can cause users to experience vivid visual and auditory hallucinations. What is the name of this drug?



True or False: Drinking coffee can sober you up after consuming alcohol.

Answer:  "False" (Once your drunk only time can sober you up)


This synthetic opioid, often disguised as prescription pills or mixed with other drugs, has been a growing concern in recent years due to its high potency and involvement in overdose deaths. What is its street name?



In the 1980s, this American basketball star was banned from the NBA after testing positive for cocaine use. He later made a successful comeback and became an advocate for drug addiction recovery. Who is he?

Answer: "Magic Johnson"


In drug prevention education, the acronym D.A.R.E. stands for this. What do the letters D.A.R.E. represent?

Answer: "Drug Abuse Resistance Education"


Opioid drugs, like heroin and prescription painkillers, are known for their ability to relieve pain. What part of the body do opioids primarily target to produce their pain-relieving effects?

Answer:  "Central Nervous System" or "Brain"


True or False: You have to use drugs for a long time before they can really hurt you.

False: (Drugs can cause the brain to send the wrong signals to the body. This can make a person stop breathing, have a heart attack or go into a coma. This can happen the first time the drug is used.)


Among teenagers, vaping became a major concern with the rise of e-cigarette use. What is the common term for the practice of using e-cigarettes?

Answer: "Vaping"


This American singer-songwriter, known for hits like "Purple Haze" and "Hey Joe," had a well-documented struggle with drug addiction and died of a drug-related incident in 1970. Who is this legendary guitarist?

Answer:  "Jimi Hendrix"


These school-based programs aim to teach students important life skills, including decision-making and communication, to help them resist drug use. What are these programs called?

Answer: Substance Abuse Group; SUD Group; Matrix Group


This stimulant drug, often found in coffee and energy drinks, can lead to increased alertness and decreased fatigue. What is the active compound in these substances?

Answer:  "Caffeine"


Teenagers are too young to get addicted

False (Addiction can happen at any age. Even unborn children can get addicted because of their mother's drug use.)


This commonly abused prescription drug contains codeine and promethazine and has gained popularity among young people. What is its street name?

Answer: "Sizzurp" or "Lean"


This American actress, famous for her roles in films like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Roman Holiday," struggled with addiction to prescription drugs and tragically passed away in 1962. Who is she?

Answer: "Marilyn Monroe"


What is it called when you cut down and/or control where and the amount you use substances?

Harm reduction


When someone experiences increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and heightened alertness after using a drug, they are likely under the influence of this class of substances. What are these drugs commonly referred to as?

Answer: "Stimulants"


True or False: Drugs relieve stress. They help deal with problems.

Answer: False. (Drugs only make people forget and not care about their troubles. When the drug wears off, the problem is still there.)


MDMA, a synthetic drug often associated with electronic dance music (EDM) festivals, is commonly known by this street name. What is it?

 "Ecstasy" or "Molly"


This American cyclist, who won the Tour de France seven consecutive times, faced allegations of using performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career. His titles were later stripped as a result. Who is he?

Answer:  "Lance Armstrong"


Emotional or physical limits that people set to create a healthy sense of personal space.

Creating boundaries 


This common psychoactive drug, found in both alcoholic beverages and certain medications, can depress the central nervous system, leading to relaxation and impaired coordination. What is this substance?

Answer: "Alcohol" or "Ethanol"


True or False: Prescription medications are always safe to share with friends or family members who have similar health conditions.

Answer: "False"


Common legal stimulant that is consumed daily by many.
