Why do kids start smoking cigarettes?
They associate it with grownup behaviour, rebellion and low self-esteem. Peer Pressure.
What disease does Marijuana Cure?
None. Though its use masks symptoms of some diseases, Marijuana does not cure anything.
Is the use of Medical Marijuana allowed in the Young Marines program?
No. Marijuana is illegal federally and not authorized in the Young Marines.
What is the addictive ingredient in Tobacco?
What dangers does chewing tobacco pose?
Chewing tobacco can cause bleeding gums, decayed teeth, cancers of the mouth, tongue and throat.
What is the easiest drugs for kids to get a hold of these days?
The prescription drugs in the medicine cabinet.
At what age do most users start abusing inhalants?
Many abusers start in elementary or middle school.
What is Huffing?
Huffing is the act of inhaling chemicals to get high and a form of inhalant abuse.
What is the definition of a Gateway Drug?
Merriam-Webster defines it as a drug(alcohol or marijuana) whose use is thought to lead to the use of and dependence on a harder drug (cocaine or heroin)
Why do kids think OTC (Over The Counter) and Prescription meds are safe?
Because they see the ads on television, they believe if a doctor prescribes them they're safe, and because they're easily available in the medicine cabinet.
Can cough syrup be dangerous?
Yes. Depending on how much you take, an overdose of cough syrup can cause such complications as blurred vision, hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting, and can lead to comas and death.
Is driving under the influence of medicine the same as driving under the influence of alcohol?
Yes. If your driving is affected in a negative way, you can be arrested for drinking under the influence. The law treats it the same as alcohol.
Why is drinking and driving dangerous?
Alcohol impairs your judgment, reaction time and motor skills.
What is the active ingredient in Marijuana that gets you high?
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)
Which legal drugs are abused most commonly?
Those drugs connected with relief of pain, sleeping aids and anxiety relief.
Can using tobacco harm pregnant women?
Yes. In addition to harming the mother, using tobacco can also lead to premature or low birth-weight babies.
Is alcohol considered a drug?
Yes. Specifically, alcohol is considered a depressant.
What is second hand smoke? Is it dangerous?
Second hand smoke is inhaling smoke from someone else's smoking. It can cause nonsmokers to have the same ailments as smokers.
Why do users think huffing is safe?
With many abused items found under mom's sing or in dad's garage, many believe these items can't hurt them.
How many types of inhalants are there?
There are four types; Volatile Solvents, Aerosols, Gases, and Nitrites (Poppers)
What is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States?
What has more alcohol? A beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of whiskey?
They all contain about the same amount.
Why do the Young Marines focus on educating on the dangers of Gateway Drugs?
Because experienced Law Enforcement Officers advise us they've never arrested anyone for drug abuse who didn't start with abusing one of the Gateway Drugs first.
Give 3 examples of items used by inhalant abusers?
Glues, Marking Pens, Spray Paint, Cooking Sprays, Household Cleaners, Hair Spray and Spray Deodorants, and Gasoline.
Why is today's Marijuana more dangerous than that in the past?
The THC level in today's Marijuana is much higher than in previous decades.