
What are three Drug Categories are there ?

Depressants, Hallucinogens, and Stimulants


Name three types of Temporary Illnesses ?

Colds, Flu, Gastroenteritis, Broken Hand, Finger, Leg, or Other Joint, and Many More

(answer may vary)


What is Mr. favorite phrase or saying to describe Marijuana ? 

"Grassy Area"


Describe at least one of the Drug Categories. 

Depressants are a class of drugs that slow down the activity of the central nervous system. 

Hallucinogens are a class of psychoactive substances that alter perception, mood, and various cognitive processes. 

Stimulants are a category of drugs that increase activity in the central nervous system, leading to heightened alertness, energy, and mood.


What is Long-Term Disability?

Prefers to a condition or set of conditions that impair a person’s ability to perform their job or other daily activities over an extended period.

(answers may vary)


What is the name of a the woman that died in the beginning of the presentation and how did she died.

Amber Morgana and overdose form drugs in her drink.


What type of Drug Categories is Cocaine ?



What some example of Long-Term Disability

Musculoskeletal disorders like chronic back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases 

(answer may vary)


Name me the 2 medication that I showed about Chronic Disease

Metformin, Lisinopril, Pravastatin, Trulicity and Tresiba


Name 2 of the effect of drugs while driving?

Reduce Reaction Times, Impair Judgment, and Decrease Coordination, and Hallucinations

(answer may vary)


What are defines as Chronic Diseases 

Conditions that persist over time, often for the rest of a person's life. Unlike acute diseases, which come on suddenly and are typically short-lived, chronic diseases develop slowly and can last for months or years.

(answer may vary)


Name me 4 reason teenagers takes drugs ?

  • Curiosity and Peer Pressure
  • Stress and Mental Health Issues
  • Self-Medication
  • Social and Cultural Influences
  • Genetic and Environmental Factors
  • Lack of Awareness

Name 5 of Drugs Usage Prevention?

  • Read Labels and Fallow Direction 
  • Know the Drug’s Effect
  • Avoid excessive drug use
  • Avoid dangerous drug combination
  • Do not take someone else's medicine
  • Do not take illegal drugs
  • Take Responsibility (Don’t be Dumb)

What are two example that I use to describe Chronic Diseases? 

What is Methamphetamine (Meth).


What is the two statistic in the beginning of the presentation. 

13.5 million people aged 16 or older drove under the influence of alcohol in the past year and 11.7 million drove under the influence of selected illicit drugs, including marijuana