Measurement lines on a solo cup represent standard servings for beer, wine and what other type of alcohol drink?
E-cigarettes heat this substance (also found in tobacco) to form an aerosol that is inhaled.
This psychoactive ingredient in marijuana has greatly increased in strength from prior generations.
Opioids are a class of legal and illegal drugs that depress the central nervous system (CNS) and are easily addictive. Name three examples.
Codeine, Demerol, Dilaudid, Heroin, Tramadoul, Oxycodone, Percocet, Demerol, Fentanyl, Methadone, Morphine, Codeine, Hydrocodeine
What restaurant is Mr. Nuzzo's enemy?
You should know this.
Binge drinking is defined as drinking a large amount of alcohol in 2 hours. How many drinks is that for a female?
4 Drinks for Women
5 Drinks for Men
List two health effects of vaping.
Brain doesn't mature until 25. Addiction risk is 90% if less than age 21.
Nicotine increases heart rate (fight or flight response).
Vapor inhalation causes pulmonary effects.
Destruction of air sacs
Weakens immune system
THC varies greatly in this form of marijuana. It takes 30 minutes to one hour to feel the effect and may lead to to emergency room visits.
A powerful synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times more potent than morphine and involved in approximately half of overdose deaths.
Does Mr. Nuzzo like Dunkin or Starbucks better?
What is the legal limit of blood alcohol content (BAC) for persons under 21?
Age less than 21 = BAC .02
Age 21 or older = BAC .08
What is the name of the popular nicotine pouch product that, while marketed as a smoke-free and spit-free alternative without tobacco, still poses risks of addiction and other health concerns?
THC affects your learning and memory. Regular teen use can reduce your IQ level by how many points?
8 Points
A nasal spray used for the treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose emergency.
What sport did Mr. Nuzzo play/coach?
Define Social Host Liability.
You can be held responsible if someone is injured or killed after drinking alcohol at your home. This applies whether you are the host or a parent who allows underage guests to drink.
If caught vaping in school, the penalty includes how many days of suspension?
3 Days Suspension
Outside counseling session or attendance at a drug education meeting
Parent/student re-entry meeting
What are two ways marijuana use affects important skills required for safe driving?
Decreased reaction time
Impaired decision Making
Lack of coordination
Decreased depth perception
Mixing alcohol with opioids, marijuana or prescription drugs can increase their effects. What is the drug term used to describe this effect?
Drug Synergism
Who is Mr. Nuzzo's favorite music artist?
Mac Miller
Name 3 Alcohol Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
What is the neurotransmitter associated with substance use?
Recreational Marijuana is legal in how many states?
What opioid caused Mac Miller's death?
What is the name of Mr. Nuzzo's High School
Daniel Hand High School- Go Tigers