Nicotine and Tobacco
Important Resources
Stockton Trivia

What type of drug is alcohol?


Depressant substances reduce arousal and stimulation. They affect the central nervous system, slowing down the messages between the brain and body.


Name some Common Forms of how someone may use Nicotine or Tobacco

Cigarettes, Chewing Tobacco, Vapes, Cigars etc.


What is addiction?

Addiction is a brain disease caused by repeated substance use despite harmful consequences. There are non substance use related addictions.


What are some common names for marijuana?

Weed, Cannabis, Hash, Grass, Bud Mary Jane etc.


Name an organization associated with Substance Use Disorder recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous, etc.


Where is Stockton University’s main campus located?



Name 3 signs of intoxication?

  • Slurred Speech

  • Stumbling

  • Talking too loudly

  • Loss of judgement

  • Lack of coordination

  • Disorientation


What kind of drug is Nicotine?

A Stimulant 

Stimulants are a class of drugs that speed up messages travelling between the brain and body. They can make a person feel more awake, alert, confident or energetic


What are the signs of addiction?

Inability to function without what you are dependent on 

Knowing you addiction is affecting your life but being unable to stop etc.


What are the short term effects of Cannabis?

Distorted perception 

Problems with memory and learning

Loss of coordination

Trouble with thinking and problem solving

Increased heart rate

Reduced blood pressure


What is Narcan or Naloxone?

Naloxone is a life saving drug that counteracts the effects of an opioid overdose. It has no effects on the body other than preventing the symptoms of an overdose.


What famous fast food chain has a location in the Stockton University food court?



What is the Good Samaritan Law?

The “Good Samaritan Law” provides protection for both the person overdosing and those who provide or call for help.


How many Cigarettes worth of Nicotine are in one Juul Pod?

Advertised as 20 cigarettes (one pack) 

However we don’t know for sure as they are not regulated. 


What are some common addictions?

 Alcohol, Heroin or painkillers, Nicotine, Cannabis etc.

Shopping, Gambling, Gaming


Is Marijuana Legal in New Jersey?

What about delta-8?

It is legal in Nj,  but not for people under the age of 21.

It is a misconception that Delta-8 is legal for use under the age of 21. It is not “safer” than other forms of THC


What are 3 resources in your school and community to help you with problems?

Your counselors, teachers, coaches, SAC, etc. 


Where did Stockton most recently build a new campus?

Atlantic City


What is the legal limit for someone driving under the age of 21?

.001 is the Limit for those underage. 

Potential Consequences include a charge of “Underage DUI” 


Other than lung Cancer what are the long terms effects of smoking cigarettes ?

Physical addiction, Wrinkling of the skin, yellowing of teeth skin and nails etc.


What is the difference between a physical dependance and a mental craving?

A Physical Dependence ( Like one has with caffeine) causes physical withdrawal symptoms when not using the substance.

A psychological craving is a craving due to the habit of doing the drug or activity. 


What are the dangers associated with marijuana?

  • Mental addiction

  • Long term lung damage from smoking

  • Asthma, bronchitis

  • Lung Cancer if mixed with tobacco


Where can those suffering from substance use disorders go to receive help? Give 3 examples

Treatment centers, therapists, counselors, recovery centers, detox, etc.


What is the lake on Stockton's campus called?

Lake Fred


What is the difference between Tolerance and BAC?

BAC or “Blood Alcohol content”  is a measurement of the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood

Tolerance- is a result of how frequently a person drinks . The more often someone drinks; the more alcohol it takes to feel the same effects or show signs of intoxication. 


What are the long term effects of Vaping?

We Don’t Know Yet! 

In the short term we know that vaping can cause a nicotine addiction, popcorn lung and the stunting of brain development. 


Are genetics and addiction linked?

Yes, a person that has relatives that struggle with substance use/addiction has a higher risk of developing an addiction. 

However, just because addiction runs in your family does not mean you will become addicted.


Is vaping marijuana safer than smoking it?

Why/why not?

No. When vaping marijuana you’re still inhaling various chemicals.


What are the roles of peer educators and peer leaders?

  • Peer educators are peers who are knowledgeable on how to help fellow students with their problems. 

  • Peer Leaders are students who are role models to the school.


What determines how high Stockton’s Tallest Building Can Be ?

Stockton can’t build a building taller than their tallest tree on campus.