What is the text trying to say
What does it mean?
Correct the Sentence
I can R.A.C.E
More Riddles *Evil Laugh*

Read the sentence below

While standing in line, the young boys and girls shouted to the top of their lungs waiting on the new I-Phone 15 to be released. Their enthusiasm was showing through the smile on their faces and way they pushed each other to get into the store. 

How was the word enthusiasm used in the sentence above?

A. To show nervousness to the reader

B. To show eagerness and excitement

C. To show joy

D. To show anger and bitterness 

Correct Answer:

B. To show eagerness and excitement.

What did the General mean when he said that "You are the heart of the army now"?

A. That he needs to mimic the sound of his heart beating on the battle field

B. That he is the only solider that matters on the field

C. That how he drums is very important and will effect the outcome of the battle tomorrow

Correct Answer

C. That how he drums is very important and will effect the outcome of the battle tomorrow.


Correct the Sentence

again for the last time my name is not rebecca it is molly.

There are three commas in this sentence

Correct Sentence

Again, for the last time, my name is not Rebecca, it is Molly. 

Was the question properly restated using the R.A.C.E strategy? If the question was not correct restated, please re-write it in its correct format.

Question: Should students be able to use cell phones in school?

Cell Phones should be allowed in school. 

Correct Answer:

Students should be allowed to use cell phones in school because ______________________


What has many rings but has not fingers?

Correct Answer

A cell phone :-)


Which one of these sentences BEST shows the correct definition of the word Immortality 

A. The cat is jumping all over the place so apparently, it must have been blessed with immortality

B. The man became so anger that he didnt have the means to deal with the situation and would lose his immortality

C. That man looks like he has not aged a day and he is older than my grandfather, he must've been blessed with Immortality.

Correct Answer 

D. The man looks like he has not aged a day and he is older than my grandfather, he must've been blessed with Immortality 


What did the author mean when the phrase said, "exhausted by nervous expectation, unable to sleep for romantic dreams of battles yet unfought." 

A. The men were afraid of the battle to come.

B. The men were fantasizing of them being heroes on the battle field.

C. The men thought the battlefield was a wonderful place to be and get married.  

Correct Answer:

B. The men were fantasizing of them being heroes on the battle field.


Correct the sentence

okay class for todays assignment we will be taking notes on how to disect a frog so pleease take out your notees and a pencil got start. 

The sentence needs two commas, one period. 

10 corrections altogether

Correct Answer

Okay class, for today's assignment, we will be taking notes on how to dissect a frog. So please take out your notes and a pencil get started. 


When using the A in the R.A.C.E strategy, it is usually combined with the R when answering the question.

True or False

Correct Answer



If you give me drink, I die, But if you feed me I grow?

Correct Answer

A Fire


Read the sentence Below

The teacher was super stressed out from all the papers that she had to grade. She felt the eternal feeling of depression setting in due to all the work she will have to do over the weekend.

What word below can be exchanged for the word eternal and the sentence will remain the same?

A. slowness

B. Fierce 

C. Bitterness

D. Never-ending

Correct Answer

D. Never-Ending


In the story Drummer Boy, when the general said, "These lads, fresh out of the milkshed, don't know what I know, and I can't tell them: men actually die in war." What did he mean when he said," Fresh out of the Milkshed?

A. They ran out of Milk in the shed

B. The men were young and inexperience when it comes to fighting

C. The men were farmers who used to milk cows for a living

Correct Answer:

B. The men were young and inexperienced when it comes to fighting


Correct the sentence

after handing back the womans change the woman replied thank you the casher replied Your welcome.

This needs three commas and two periods. Altogether there are eleven mistakes

Correct Sentence

After handing back the woman's change, the woman replied, "Thank you." The cashier replied, "You're welcome." 


When using the Citing in the R.A.C.E strategy, it is okay to write down your own individual thoughts.

True or False

Correct Answer


(Yall aint Doctors....yet :-)


What has words but does not verbally speak?

Correct Answer

A Book


Read the sentence below:

As the soliders were sitting in front of the bonfire, some soliders were sharpening their bayonets and remembered their training shooting at cans and thought if they were ready to use the weapons in combat when the time called for it. 

Which one of the answers below BEST shows what a Bayonet is and used for?

A. A Musical device to play to keep away evil spirits.

B. A Weapon that could be used to stab and shoot things.

C. A Weapon that can shoot the enemy

D. A Weapon that can only injure the enemy at close range.

Correct Answer

B. A weapon that could be used to stab and shoot things.


When the general asked the Drummer Boy, "Did you run off from home or joined legitimately, boy?" And the boy answered in "Silence". What was the boy indicating? 

A. For the general to mind his own business

B. That he felt it was personal question and did not know how to answer it

C. That he was acknowledging that the general was right about him running away and did not want to say it out loud.

Correct Answer:

C. The he was acknowledging that the general was right about him running away and did not want to say it out loud.


Correct the sentence

the young men said, "there dog was disobedient and wanted to give him away. and even though the dog was a chistmas present it was the principal of the matter. 

There are seven corrections. The sentence needs two commas and two periods. 

Correct Answer

The young man said, "There dog was disobedient and wanted to give him away. Even though the dog was a Christmas present, it was the principle of the matter. 


Look at the sentence below and tell me what is wrong with how they used the R.A.C.E

I think students should use cell phones in school because it will help them look up resources that can help them finish their classwork. In my opinion, the way that schools are moving to everything being digital, it only makes sense for the students to use cell phones cause we are already doing majority of our assignments on computers. In closing, students should be able to use cells phones because it is beneficial to students using it for resources and majority of our work is already digital. 

Correct Answer

They forgot to cite their source completely. (In the text or According to the text)


What is something you break when you speak?

Correct Answer



Read the sentence below

As the president came forward, all the members stood up to acknowledge the new comer. The young man raised his hand and he swore a solemn oath to keep a upright stance and uphold the laws and policy of being in the new group. 

How is the word solemn being used in the sentence above?

A. To show secrecy

B. To be pridefulness

C. To be formal and dignified 

D. To be nervous

Correct Answer

C. To be formal and dignified


What was the Theme of the story The Drummer Boy of Shiloh. Select all that apply

A. That Joby always wanted to be a drummer boy in battle

B. Even when faced with adversity, everyone must still put their fears aside to complete that job at hand.

C. Everyone gets scared when it comes to fighting

D. The General was a kind man deep down

Correct Answers

B & C


Correct the sentence

walmart is encorporating a new policey where employes have to be at they're new shift ten minutes earlier. rasean said they dont pay me enough to be on time.

There are nine mistakes. The sentence needs two periods and one comma.

Correct Answer

Walmart is incorporating a new policy where employees have to be at their new shift ten minutes earlier. RaSean said, "They dont pay me enough to be on time".


Here at Floyd, you have been using the R.A.C.E strategy for 3 years. 

True or False

Correct Answer

YES!! You have been taught it by ALL of your ELA teachers!!


What is greater than the gods, more evil than the devil himself, what the poor have and the rich doesn't need it and if you eat this, you will starve and die?

Correct Answer

Nothing: Nothing is greater than the gods, and nothing is more evil than the devil, the poor have nothing and rich doesnt need nothing and if you eat nothing you will starve and die.