Family Characters
School Characters
The event that triggered Jeffrey's nose bleed and resulting diagnosis.
What was the moatmeal breakfast Steven made for Jeffrey when he fell off his stool?
Steven's math tutor and what happened when s/he came over to tutor him.
What is Steven had to send RENEE away because she had a cold and could get Jeffrey sick.
Steven's nickname in the All City Jazz Band.
What is Peasant?
Steven shaved his head.
What did Steven do to support his brother when a new classmate had made fun of him for his bald head?
Steven's dad's reaction to the news on Jeffrey's leukemia diagnosis.
What is he became a zombie, shut down and didn't support Steven.
The instrument Annette extremely talented at.
What is piano?
The significance of Frozen Dinners in the novel.
What is the symbolism of the isolation of Steven from his father during a time when he needed his support and reassurance the most. It was almost as if his dad's heart had become frozen?
Where Steven met Samantha and what life lesson did he learned from her?
What is in the hospital and she taught him to never leave Jeffrey's side no matter what?
Jeffrey's "plastic" source of bravery when going to the hospital?
What is Matt Medic?
The character who bribes Steven to speak to her with candy hearts.
Who is Mrs. Galley?
The event that happened the night that Renee came over to tutor Steven and why is was important.
What is Steven did not allow Renee to come into the house because Jeffrey would become sick and what is Steven had been in love with her his whole life and needed her help to pass math?
The circumstances surrounding the phrase, "You can't play in the concert, and I could, but I have to run out!" and who it involved.
Who is Annette (who'd broken her arm) and what is what he said to her as he left the concert for the hospital?
Why Steven was embarrassed when his mom came to the school dance.
What is she came in her sweatpants and made an announcement over the microphone for Steven to come to the front of the auditorium?
The teacher Steven look up to and why.
Who is Mr. Watras and what is because he is a talented music teacher and is a relatively cool teacher?
Dangerous pie and what its significance is in the novel?
What is Jeffrey's cooking recipe he used Steven's special sticks with and what is the symbolism for how Steven's feelings towards his little brother changed?
How the Community Service Hours complicate the story, the solution, and who came up with it.
What is the community service hours meant band members would have to quit because it would take too much time, what is a benefit concert that wouldn't require extra work, and who is Annette and Renee?
The Five Stages of Grief and the point at which Steven went through them.
Denial- The week that Jeffrey is in Philadelphia with his mom, Steven thinks they are on a vacation & are having a fun time. Anger- In Steven's journal entry to his dad, mom & Jeffrey, he is angry at them for what is happening to his family. Bargaining- Steven tries to do/wish for things in exchange for Jeffrey's health. Depression- Steven becomes numb, follows his daily routine of school & drums without any particular enthusiasm. Acceptance- After meeting with Mrs. Galley about his "dream" Steven's motto becomes, "Focus on the things I can change."
The decision did Steven made with this person without telling his parents in order to help the family.
What is Steven decided to accept free drum lessons from Mr. Stoll?
The significance of the phrase, "Why don't you try working on the things you can change?"
What is the point that Steven began to accept Jeffrey's illness and take on the situation from a positive perspective?
A character trait of Steven's that changed from the the beginning of the novel to the end.
Multiple answers.