A leader of an axis country during WWII that caused lots of problems
Who is Hitler?
Several video games have been mentioned throughout the MCU but what video game is Korg playing in Avengers: Endgame
What is Fortnite?
As a result of coronavirus, we are all in quarantine to an extent how do we naturally do to pass time during this annoying time?
What is drinking (watching tv/movies)?
The world is in a bad place environmentally but has gotten better due to corona the world will eventually end, what is the estimated year of this catastrophe?
When is 2050?
This is a particular phrase that has been to often describe out-of-touch or close-minded people's opinions that is associated with a generation
What is "okay boomer"?
The cover-up villain in the second-best Iron Man movie
Who is The Mandarin?
Black Panther was an overall success and one of the best Marvel movies in my opinion and in the opinion of the people when it won how many Oscars?
What are 3 awards?
Children born during the time of quarantine in the year 2033 will be called (according to memes)
What are quaran-teens?
You can recycle all sorts of things but in the city of Florence what types of plastic can you recycle
What are Plastics 1-3?
This generation is associated with avocado toast and in dads words "unemployed and lazy"
What are millennials?
The absolute worst villain in The Flash in the more recent seasons
Who is Cicada?
The Hulk is an important character in the MCU as he is a part of the Avengers the actor that plays the Hulk, Mark Ruffalo replaced who
Who is Edward Norton?
We can wear masks when we go outside but considering no masks are for sale currently what unconventional item can I use to make a mask
What is a bra (or any item I have heard before)?
The elements are very important to the production and retainment of the environment so what are the two elements and their perfect ratio to composting
What are Carbon and Nitrogen?
44% of this generation say they are not confident about having enough money for retirement
What is Gen(eration) Y?
The villain of X-Men Origins: Wolverine they are one of the worst villains because they aren't really seen as a villain anymore
Who is Deadpool?
In the MCU there are 23 movies that have been released in chronological order which movie is the 13
What is Avengers: Age of Ultron?
Considering we have been in quarantine for about a month how long scientifically will social distancing last
What is about 6 more months?
There are a lot of green countries not as many as there should be which country is the greenest with an EPI score of 87.42
What is Switzerland?
Other names for this generation is "Homeland Generation" and "Generation Snowflake"
What is Gen(eration) Z?
The villain of the 1997 classic Batman & Robin, I didn't know this villain until I looked them up
Who is Mr. Freeze?
S.H.I.E.L.D has been an important part of the MCU since the first movie and it has made several strides, what does that acronym stand for?
What is Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division?
As we are in quarantine in 2020 when was the first quarantine to be done?
When is the 14th Century?
The EPA Budget is quite high but not high enough to help the concerns about the environment how much might that be as of the end of the year 2019
What is $8.8 billion?
This generation is often described as "disoriented, wandering, directionless"
What is the Lost Generation?