what is 3/4 + 3/4 ?
1 1/2
This tool is used to mark out straight lines perpendicular to the edges of a sheet of drywall?
drywall T square
L bead and J bead are also called__________
This type of drywall is 1" thick
core board
This level of finish is recommended for areas not seen and only has taped seams and fastener holes.
Level 1
what is 5/8 x 2 ?
1 1/4
This tool is used to cut drywall to the basic size needed.
utility knife
These are dried chunks of JC stuck to the drywall.
This is the most commonly used thickness of drywall.
This level of finish is recommended to be covered with a thin texture decorative finish.
Level 4
what is (7/8 x 2) + 1 1/2 ?
3 1/4
This tool is used to cut notches or shapes into drywall sheets.
jabsaw / drywall saw
Tapering or thinning out the JC at the edges of where it is applied.
When a joint is made by having two factory tapered edges meet.
Flat joint
This type of tape bends and distorts easily.
fiberglass mesh tape
How many sheets of drywall are needed to cover a wall that is 22' x 8' ?
6 sheets
This knife is used for prefilling and taping
4" knife
Embedding the drywall tape into JC is referred to as:
The bottom of a two-layer drywall system is called a_______________
base layer
When applying a thicker decorative finish, you should use this product because it has the most glue in it.
All Purpose Joint Compound or APJC
How many screws are needed for a ceiling that requires 14 screws for every 10 square feet, that measures 28' x 16' ?
628 screws
This knife is the widest finishing knife.
This type of JC has a blue lid and is best used for topping coats.
Plus 3
This fire rating gauges the level of temperature rise.
FT rating
This tool is used to create a patterned swirl finish.
Circular patterned sponge.