Greek Latin Roots:vid, bio
Author's Craft/Figurative Language
Literary Elements
author's purpose
Author's craft

What does the Greek root "bio" mean in the word "biography." 

(A biography is the life story that a person writes about another person.)

A. Two

B. Life

C. Big

B. Life

(The Greek root "bio" means Life.)


A person who plays a game is a _________.

A. playor

B. player

C. playest

B. player


What is the theme of the story about the little boy who kept crying for help?  

What lesson did he learn?

He learns that if you lie over and over, people will stop trusting you.  This could be bad because _____________________________________.


What mood do the following words create?  

Stressed, Gloomy, Disappointed

A. positive :-) 

B. negative :-

Mood-  Negative 

Remember... Mood is the emotional effect that the text creates for the audience 


Think about what happens in the story "Running Rivals."  Label the events in the order in which they happen in the story.  The first event will be labeled 1, and the last event will be labeled 4. 

____  Amy and Madison give each other tips about how to run faster

____  Natalie, Amy's sister encourages Amy, and goes with her to the racing park.  

____  Amy runs her personal best

____  Amy tells her dad how nervous she is to go back to the next track meet after her knee injury.

3-  Amy and Madison give each other tips about how to run faster 

2-  Natalie, Amy's sister encourages Amy, and goes with her to the racing park.  

4-  Amy runs her personal best

1-  Amy tells her dad how nervous she is to go back to the next track meet after her knee injury.  


One bite of the sour lemon caused my lips to pucker. Which sense does this describe? Be ready to use text evidence

a. taste

b. smell

c. sight

d. touch

a. taste

sour lemon 




Which is the correct homophone for this sentence:

The son/sun is shining brightly today.

A. son

B. sun

Correct Answer:   B. Sun

Bonus:  Can you use the other homophone, "son" in a complete sentence?


A person who acts is an __________.

A. acting

B. acter

C. actor

C. actor


What is the theme/lesson learned in the passage, "The Math Test?"

Cody had not studied for the big math test. Luckily, he sat right behind Jane, the best math student in the class. Cody copied all of Jane's answers.

The next day, the teacher told that class that only two students had gotten a perfect score and she wanted them to explain how they got their answers. 

Ms. Francesca wrote a math problem on the board. Jane solved it easily and explained each step to the class. Then it was Cody's turn.  Mrs. Francesca wrote another problem on the board.  Cody just stood there, frozen. He was unable to solve the problem. Some of his classmates started to whisper and giggle. 

Mrs. Francesca finally asked.“Cody, can you solve this problem?" 

Cody just shook his head. Now everyone knew he had cheated and he was in big trouble.

What is the theme/message of the story?

A. Cheating is a good way to pass a test.

B. You should study for a test. 

C. Try to sit next to one of kids who always does well on tests.

D. Cheating might seem easy, but getting caught  will just make things harder for you later. 

D.Cheating might seem easy, but getting caught  will just make things harder for you later.


It was a perfect Saturday morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and a gentle breeze made the trees sway back and forth. Seema skipped down the sidewalk. She was excited because  she was going to the park with her friends. They would play on the swings, run around, and eat ice cream.  

What mood does the passage create? What words prove your claim?

a. positive

b. negative

A.  Positive


sun shining, birds singing, skipping, excited


Frogs are amphibians. They can live on either land or in water. A frog can lay thousands of eggs called frog spawn. 

What is the author’s purpose?

A. Persuade 

B. Inform 

C. Entertain

What is the author's purpose?

B. To Inform

This text is giving facts about frogs, their habitat, and reproduction - it aims to teach us information rather than tell a story or convince us of something, making it an informational text that aims to inform the reader.  


What sense are these words related to?

sputtering, gurgling, clanking, tapping, thumping 

A. smelling

B. hearing

C. sight (seeing)

D. touching

b. hearing

All these words (sputtering, gurgling, clanking, tapping, thumping) are onomatopoeias - words that imitate sounds we can hear, rather than things we can see, smell, or touch.


Which is the correct homophone for this sentence:


"I cannot believe you ate the whole/hole pizza all by yourself!"

A. whole

B. hole

A.   Whole

Bonus:  Can you use the other homophone, "hole," in a complete sentence?


The first question was __________ than the second question.  (easy)

A. easyer

B. easier

C. easiest

B. easier


What is the theme/lesson learned in the passage?

Benny and Danny were twins. Each week, they each got five dollars in allowance. Benny always spent all of his allowance on candy. Danny bought some candy, but he saved most of his money. Sometimes, Danny even did extra chores to earn more money. 

When school was out for summer, Danny asked his parents to take him to the bike store. He had saved enough money for a new bike! Danny picked out a red bike with blue handlebars. 

Danny spent the summer riding his new bike around the neighborhood with his friends. Since  Benny did not have a bike, he spent most of his summer at home alone. 

What is the theme/lesson learned in the passage?  

A. Spending all your money might be fun at first, but saving it helps you get what you really want in the future. 

B. One twin is always smarter than another.

C. You should not spend all your money on candy.

A. Spending all your money might be fun at first, but saving it helps you get what you really want in the future. 


The rain came down pitter-patter, tapping against the windows. It grew louder and louder, until it was a whoosh of wind and crash of thunder. Lightning flashed, and the boom of thunder shook the house. The storm was wild, but inside, it felt cozy and warm.

Why did the author use onomatopoeia like pitter-patter, whoosh, crash, and boom?

A) To show how quiet the storm was

B) To make the storm feel exciting and real

C) To describe the colors of the storm

D) To make the storm seem very calm and peaceful


B) To make the storm feel exciting and real


Mrs. Silverman looked around the house. She could not find her scarf anywhere. She even searched outside and still could not find it. Then Mrs. Silverman saw her dog, Ollie, playing with her scarf in his doghouse. What is the author’s purpose?

What was the purpose of this story...?

A. Persuade

B. Inform

C. Entertain.

A. The purpose of this story was to entertain.

The story about Mrs. Silverman searching for her scarf and finding her dog, Ollie, playing with is written to entertain readers, rather than trying to teach facts or convince them of something.


Which of the following sentences contains imagery?

A. I did my homework. 

B. She is very tall.

C. The sunflowers nodded their golden heads in the gentle breeze.

D. Mathematics is so interesting.  I love solving words problems. 

C. The sunflowers nodded their golden heads in the gentle breeze.


golden heads

gentle breeze


Which word completes BOTH sentences? 

We have a ________________ of peaches for the pie. Tyler _______________ run 1 mile.

A. bag

B. cannot

C. jar

D. can

D. can


The third grade teachers are the _________ teachers in the school. 

A. wisest

B. wiser

C. wisyer

D. wises

A. wisest


Once upon a time, a speedy hare (rabbit) challenged a slow-moving tortoise (turtle) to a race. The hare was so confident he would win that he raced ahead quickly and decided to take a nap halfway through. Meanwhile, the tortoise kept going slowly but steadily.

When the hare woke up, the tortoise was almost at the finish line! The hare raced as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise won the race. 

What is the lesson/theme that the hare learned?

A. Speed is the most important thing to win 

B. Being slow and steady can sometimes win the race.

C. Taking naps during important tasks is smart.

D. Hares are faster than tortoises.

B. Being slow and steady can sometimes win the race.


The runners were at the starting line, ready to go. Bam! The sound of the starting gun echoed through the air. The runners sped forward, thump-thump-thump as their feet hit the ground. The crowd cheered, and the race was off!

Why did the author use figurative language?  

  • A) To show how quiet the race was
  • B) To make the race sound exciting and fast-paced
  • C) To describe what the runners were wearing
  • D) To tell us how slow the runners were

What type of figurative language did the writer use? What words show that?

  • B) To make the race sound exciting and fast-paced

The author used onomatopoeia

bam  thump-thump-thump


You should eat ice cream because it is so good. You can choose from many flavors and even put yummy toppings on it. You can eat it in a bowl or in a delicious cone.  

What was the purpose of this story...?

A. Persuade

B. Inform

C. Entertain.

A. The purpose of this story is to Persuade

The author is trying to persuade you to eat ice cream by giving reasons like having many flavors to choose from, yummy toppings and being able to eat it in a bowl or cone - they want to convince you that ice cream is good! 


How does imagery help us understand the story?

A. It doesn't

B. By expressing how the author is feeling

C. Imagery helps us to see, touch, taste, smell, and feel what the characters feel and see

D. By telling the mood

C. Imagery helps us to see, touch, taste, smell, and feel what the characters feel and see

Think of imagery as a magical paintbrush that lets you experience the story through your five senses - when an author describes how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, or sounds, it helps you imagine you're right there with the characters experiencing everything they do!


What does the Latin root "vid" mean in the word "evidence" as used in this sentence:  

Saif and his brother were watching TV. Their mother asked them, "Who has eaten all of the Halloween candy?  Both boys shrugged their shoulders and shook their head no.  But, when Saif's mom went into his bedroom and saw the candy wrappers all over the floor, she had all the evidence she needed."  

A.  something known by many people

B.  a sign that is easy to see

C.  a close-up view of a larger picture

D.  something that people search for

B.  a sign that is easy to see

 The root vis/vid (like in 'vision' and 'video') comes from Latin and means 'to see' - think about how we need to use our eyes to watch videos or have vision! 


Think of the meaning of the suffix "-ment."

Rudransh showed  great improvement on his multiplication facts."  

What does the word "improvement" mean here?

A. The condition of being improved

B. Wanting to improve

C. The most improved of all students

A. The condition of being improved


Read the following simile:  

A snapping turtle bite is so powerful it could snap your finger like a twig!  

What is the author trying to show?

A.  The snapping turtle's mouth looks like a twig. 

B.  Your finger bones are very weak 

C.  The snapping turtle's bite is very strong.

C.  It is showing how strong the snapping turtle's bite can be.  


Which sentence best uses imagery to describe a beach?

A. The beach is nice.

B. The warm sand tickled my feet as the salty air brushed against my face.

C. There are many people at the beach.

D. The water is blue.

B. The warm sand tickled my feet as the salty air brushed against my face.


It was a cold and snowy day in Richmond Hill and the streets were completely covered in white. Mason and Meera got dressed warmly and ran to Liberty Avenue for the Chinese New Year celebration.  But when they arrived, the street was empty and all the decorations were gone. Confused, they asked Mayor Adams who sighed and said, "Last night's snowstorm blew everything away. We'll have to cancel unless we can fix it quickly."  Meera and Mason devised a plan and quickly got the whole third grade to help them. All the boys and girls joined together and rebuilt the decorations using the snow.

  How is the setting important to the plot? Choose two answers

A. It helps the third graders be better at reading.

B. It gives Meera and Mason a chance to help out their community.

C. It causes Mayor Adams to need cancel the celebration.

D. It allows for a problem to happen in the story.

E. It explains why the third grade is the best grade.

Setting- a literary element that tells when, and where the story takes place.  It can influence the plot of the story. 

B. It gives Meera and Mason a chance to help out their community.

D. It allows for a problem to happen in the story.


What do writers use imagery  in a text? 

A. To add more words and make the text longer.

B. To make the text more difficult to understand.

C. To help the reader visualize what the author is trying to convey.

D. To change the meaning of the text.

C. To help the reader visualize what the author is trying to convey.

To bring the text to life for the reader