This long tube absorbs nutrients from food and is covered with tiny finger-like structures called villi.
Small intestine.
What are the tiny balloon-like sacs that look like bunches of grapes where carbon dioxide in the blood is exchanged for oxygen?
These blood vessels carry blood away from the heart.
The circulatory system delivers oxygen to this process in the digestive system that breaks down food for energy.
Cellular respiration.
In chess, this piece can move in an L-shape.
This is the name of the watery mixture of partially digested food and digestive juices in the stomach.
These air passages divide from the windpipe at the bottom of the trachea.
These blood cells carry oxygen to the body's tissues.
Red blood cells.
The circulatory system transports oxygen, nutrients, and waste in a fluid called this.
This fictional character lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Sponge Bob Square Pants.
The pancreas releases this hormone to help control blood sugar levels.
This is a flap that covers the windpipe and helps keep food and water from entering the lungs.
What are the two arteries where we can take our pulse?
The radial and the carotid arteries.
The circulatory system collects this gas, a waste product of cellular respiration, from tissues.
What is the capital of Australia
The liver produces bile, but it is stored in this organ.
from the air sacs/alveoli, where does the oxygen pass into the blood from which blood vessel?
These blood vessels bring blood back to the heart.
This term describes the process by which all three systems work together to maintain stable internal conditions.
What is the name of the first Pokémon in the Pokédex
What fluid is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It helps with digestion and breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract.
What is the name of the large muscle that pulls air into the lungs?
The diaphragm
This measurement tells how hard the heart is pumping blood.
Blood pressure.
The circulatory system picks up oxygen from this organ before delivering it to body cells.
In which continent is the country of Iceland located?