The Basics
Rights of Administration
General Stuff
Hodge Podge

The form that must be completed when an individual goes on a home visit. Correct documentation on the MAR is _

GN-64 Release of Responsibility  7.12 B

HV with documentation on the back stating HV and the time they are out of the home  7.12 D


This type of tablet prevents medication from being dissolved in the stomach

What is Enteric Coated


The 7 rights of medication administration are

What is the right:
Person, Medication, route, time, consistency, record, dose.


Medications that have an affect on the entire body are known as

What is systemic?


True of false 

Direct care staff can take a verbal or telephone order from a nurse or doctor.


Who can take the order?

What do you do if someone tried to get you to take an order?

Policy 7.14


The easiest, safest way to take medications is by this route

What is by mouth or PO


Company policy for destroying unused/dropped medications and how this is accomplished

What is Policy 7.05 sect M

What is place in non-palatable substance in a ziploc bag and dispose of in the garbage, UNLESS it is a controlled med. 


The 7 rights are to be checked this many times when administering medications. State when those checks should be done.

3 times

1. When you take it out of the locked storage

2. Before removing the medication

3. Immediately before administration

If at any time you discover that any of the info does not match what should you do?


The procedure to administer liquid medications is___ 

What is shake well, pour with label palm side up, pour at eye level into a medicine cup or the measuring device provided. 


A nurse trainer delegates this to a qualified, competent assistive personal aka ADSP in a selected situation that does not require nursing judgment or decision making

What is a task

Only an RN can delegate


This must be done and recorded on form GN-37 when the responsibility for administering medication changes from one ADSP to another, when medication is administered, and when an individual leaves the premises with any controlled substances, and again on return. 

What is a count of controlled substances.

7.18 E F


Circled initials on the MAR may indicate

When a medication is not given for whatever reason, except home visit.

ADSP must document on back of MAR the reason and RNT must be notified if direction didn't come from her. Exceptions are home visit, hospitalization

7.14 H


An individual refuses their medication, the ADSPs responsibility is to...

What is try 3 times over an hour, and notify the RN-T if unsuccessful. Also complete a GER/GN-108 med error for refusal. Initial and circle the MAR entry, on back document refused x3, RN notified

Policy 7.14 G


A medication given as needed is called a _

Describe how to document properly.

What is a PRN Med

On the front of the MAR initial and then on the back of the MAR document date, time, initials, what the med and dosage is, why it was given and any appropriate follow-up within the hour.

Policy 7.14 C & N


A life threatening reaction that needs immediate medical attention and can be visible as swollen lips, or difficulty breathing

What is anaphylactic shock?

What do you do?

Call 911, then RN-T, admin

If individual has an epi-pen you would give that first the follow the above


This is the route that individuals breathe medications into their lungs, and an example

What is inhalation ex. inhalers, nebulizer


This Rule allows non-licensed persons who have successfully completed a medication administration training program specified by the Illinois to administer medications to the individuals.

What is Rule 116


This needs to be in front of you and open to the correct person when administering medications so the 7 rights can be followed each and every time a med pass is done

What is the Medication Administration Record (MAR)

Policy 7.14


The ADSP must initial the MAR to indicate that they have observed the individual taking his medication at this time. The ADSP must check the individuals mouth to make sure the med was swallowed T or F

Immediately after the medication is consumed.

Policy 7.14 E



An ADSP forgets to administer a medication, this is known as a form of...

What is neglect, and is also a reportable med error


A non-palatable substance is used for_ with the exception of _ and who can do these tasks

Medication destruction ADSP

Controlled medications, 2 professionals 7.18 B


Prescription drugs that are likely to be abused because they are often addictive are called

Controlled substances

Must be counted each and every shift and when they are given. ADSP is NOT allowed to dispose of controlled meds, requires 2 professionals i.e. RN and pharmacist


This is what you do FIRST if you administer the wrong medication to an individual

What is call the Nurse-Trainer? Then complete a GER in Therap or a GN-108 if no access to computer.


These are stored separately from oral medications

What are eye drops, ear drops, topicals, inhalers

Policy 7.05 Labeling and storage of medications


Billie's mom wants you to start giving him Advil and she has brought a bottle for you to start giving it to him.  Your response is...

What is "I'm sorry, but we can only administer medications that we have a written order for from the physician