This person once fell off a rope swing, cutting open their foot, and had to be carried by a friend two miles in the woods to get back to the car.
Who is Sydney?
This person would be down for a night of dancing and sweet treats.
Who is Seth?
This person is an aspiring sidewalk chalk artist.
Who is Kellen?
This person's favorite memory is of a Guinness in a local pub in the hills of Dublin, Ireland.
Who is Alexandra?
This person eats their weight in fruit snacks and hot cheetos.
Who is Ulises?
This person was stuck in a cave in South Africa.
Who is Beth?
This person loves Lord Huron, 12 Angry Men, and jambalaya.
Who is Tyler?
This person has a talent for speaking in various accents.
Who is Sydney?
This person's top two favorite countries they have visited are Portugal and Istanbul.
Who is Irene?
This person was voted best smile in both middle school and high school.
Who is Brooke?
This person was able to get backstage passes and floor seats to Ben Harper's show with Dave Matthews Band after their dad sold Ben a guitar.
Who is Chris?
This person enjoys hiking, paddle boarding, playing guitar, yoga, and photography.
Who is Jordan?
This person memorized all of the zip codes in their home town.
Who is Susan?
This person has a fond memory of eating cheese fondue and chocolate in Switzerland.
Who is Kelly?
This person is taking sailing lessons this summer at the Boulder Reservoir.
Who is Liz?
This person led a 2-week river trip with at-risk teen boys where they had to evacuate 2 boys, go to the ER twice, and extract hundreds of cactus needles from one if their necks.
Who is Emily?
This person enjoys paddle boarding, camping, live music, gardening, making paper collages, and playing Rollercoaster Tycoon.
Who is Kara?
This person can lay their hand flat then flip it all the way over, 360 degrees.
Who is Amelia?
Growing up, this person enjoyed waffles and strawberries every summer at a restaurant overlooking a lake in Door County, Wisconsin.
Who is Jack?
This person's wedding pictures were featured in a magazine.
Who is Meg?
This person almost sunk a pontoon boat, avoided two tornadoes, and endured a hailstorm all on a trip to Kentucky.
Who is Jack?
This person enjoys EDM music, historical romance books, and fostering kittens.
Who is Jessica?
This person is passionate about competitive eating.
Who is Andrew?
This person's favorite place they have visited is Thailand, where they enjoyed the temples, beaches, and delicious street food.
Who is Brooke?
This person has a freckle in their eyeball and on the bottom of their foot.
Who is Kacey?