Greeting and Check In
Situational Discovery
Trade Discovery
Vehicle Discovery
DP & RVL Discovery

The 1st and 2nd step in the Greeting and Check In process as outlined in the training

1.Welcome the customer to Drivetime 

2. Introduce yourself ( give them your name)


What are the two steps of Situational Discovery?

1. Learn more about the customer's current vehicle situation

2. Determine what brought them into DriveTime


How can a trade benefit the customer?  and what are we not discussing or doing regarding trades at this point?

A. The benefits: 1.Helps with lowering out of pocket expenses(2.)There is a potential savings on taxes and fees for the new car due to tax credits and transfering plates

B. Not doing at this point: 1. Asking what they owe or if they have the title in their name.(2. )Getting into details regarding payoffs or negative equity---this is done in the capability section when we go over buy options


What are the steps and ultimate goal of the vehicle discovery as outlined in your training

1.determine the customers needs and wants as well as attributes and features of the vehicle they seek.

2.Summarize what you heard after the five vehicle questions.

3. Talk about inventory we have on hand today.

4. The goal is to actively listen and build an effective RVL( Recommended Vehicle List)


Why do you think we are doing a down payment discovery at this point? helps us to create a recommended vehicle list  by letting them know that the down payment can open up more options for them 

2. It helps us understand the customer's committment and preparedness for getting a vehicle today  

 3 . It helps us  know what buying phase they are in  and what other questions to ask to get them to the final decision stage 

4. We want them to know we want them to put money down because we know not only will they have a bigger selection, but the account performs better with a down payment as they will have better terms and less risk of default


The 3rd and 4th step of the Greeting and Check In process as outlined in the training

1.Ask for the customer's name
2. thank the customer for coming in today


What are we no longer doing when we first sit down with a customer?

1. Look up their account or ask for stips at this point.

2. Ask if they put in an application or ask if they did an online approval.

3.Ask what brings them in today or what has them in the market for a vehicle(4).Ask what car they are looking for( we don't ask this at this point , this comes later in vehicle discovery).


Fill in the blanks: What do you say when you transition from situational discovery to trade discovery?

"We offer free _________. Do you have your____________?. I would love to _____________

if so.

1. trade appraisals

2. vehicle with you

3. get that started for you

Note: If they have no trade ask what happened to their last vehicle ( empathize if appropriate) and go into vehicle discovery.


What is the transition statement you say when transitioning from the trade discovery to the vehicle discovery. Fill in the blanks" Next, I would like to learn a little about _________________So I can find you  the _________.

1. what you need in a vehicle

2. best match


What is the transtion Statement for Down payment Discovery( Fill in the blanks) " Alright, now I have a good idea of ________________in a vehicle. We have a great selection of______________. The more _________you have to invest the more __________. How much of a down payment are you prepared to ____________?"

1. what you are looking for 

2. vehicles to pulll from

3.down payment

4. options I can show you

5.invest today


The 4th, 5th and final steps of the Greeting and Check In process as outlined in the training.

4.Ask if this is their first visit to DriveTime

5. Check in the customer in DeskIt

6. Upload  the customer's Driver License or get a copy


Fill in the blanks:Winning Words for Situational Discovery are:  "We've got tons of vehicles for you to look at. First I want to __________________. How are you_____________?"

1. learn about your current vehicle situation.

2.getting around right now


If the customer says thay have a trade - you say( fill in the blanks) " My team member( follow waterfall)  is available to____________________. May I________________?"

1. appraise your vehicle right now.

2. please have your car keys


The Five Questions of vehicle discovery are:

1. Do you have a preference for the size of the vehicle ? We have compact, midsize and large.

2.Who do we need to make sure we have room for in your vehicle?

3.Besides your daily commute, what will you use your car for most?

4.Is there a particular feature you need or want  in your new vehicle?

5.Knowing all that, is there a particular vehicle you saw on our lot that you would like to test drive today?


When building the RVL  what are the only steps you are doing in the system( Deskit and Soft POS) and what are the winning words you are saying to the customer to transition to building the RVL

Step 1. verifying address( primary address and check off for taxes) and making sure lead is assigned to you.

Step 2. going in POS and entering stated income  from Deskit or assume $3100- whichever is higher at this point- you are not asking the customer anything about income at this point.

Step 3. Use the down payment discussed in discovery, $1500, or minimum down payment in POS +$1000 

Step 4. Select no more than 3 options

Winning Words: " Alright, can you verify your address for me . Based on the info you've given me ,I'm going to take a look at our available inventory really quick so we can find you a match."


Fill in the blanks : Greeting : "Good ( Morning Afternoon or Evening) I am( Your name), What ___________? Nice to meet you( customer name).________________. Is this your first time at DriveTime?( Welcome or Welcome back). Let's __________."

1. is your name?

2.Thank you for coming in today

3. get you checked in


What follow up questions can you ask the customer to find out about their current vehicle ? and what can you ask if they have no current vehicle?

1.""Could you tell me more about the vehicle you currently own and how satistfied are you with it?"

2. "How long have you had your vehicle and what do you like most about it?"

No vehicle: Could you share more about what happened to your last vehicle and its current condition?


If the customer is hesitant on doing or trade,what do you say?( fill in the blanks)

"Trades are great because they are more _________than just their price. There is a potential ________________. We highly recommend using a trade. With all that being said do you have a _________________?"

1. valuable

2. savings on your taxes and fees

3.  trade that we can appraise


1.What is the next step after asking these questions and 2.what do you do if a customer wants a vehicle we do not have?

1 You summarize the customer response by stating " Okay what I heard you say is....."

2.You "PIN it for later. You continue with vehicle discovery  redirecting the customer  to features and simularities with the current vehicles on the lot


When introducing the products  what do we say: Fill in the blanks:

"In addition to your vehicle, I'd like to familiarize you with our fully optional products we offer to protect your investment. What you choose it up to you."


Fill in the blanks: the CEG says after check in" Let me know if you need help with the upload and then we can ____________( wait for upload).Great! You can follow me right this way. I'm going to take a few minutes to _________________________. Can I get you a ____________? and the ______ are over here.

1. head over to my desk 

2. better understand what you need out of a vehicle.

3.  bottle of water? 

4. restrooms 


From your training , what are the benefits of discovery?

1.We know about who the customer is and how to meet their needs

2.We can establish trust and rapport

3.We can establish value with the customer ( as it relates to the vehicle and products by relating  them to their needs we discovered.)


What do you say if the customer says they owe nore than what the vehicle is worth? ( fill in the blanks)

"No problem. I would still love to get you a free appraisal so you have _______________ you need to make an _________________________"

1.all of the information 

2.informed decision about all of your options


If the customer does not want to talk  about vehicles and just wants to know about down payments or numbers , what do you say?

"I value your time and im committed to making the process as efficient as possible for you. 

We have a wide range of financing options to suit different needs but I'm unable to show you everything that is possible if we don't start with a vehicle.

if you allow me to, i'll walk you through our process so I can make sure that we explore every option available and that you know every possibility about what it would take to drive home in a vehicle today.

All I need is a little of your time, if you are willing. Great! Let's get started!"


You will say these words when finalizing the RVL and then at the Manager Checkpoint

Based on the information