What does JJ stand for?
Juvenile Justice
What is dual ward?
When a youth has an open foster care case and the youth has been referred or committed to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) for delinquency placement and supervision
Who is the best dual ward trainer in MI?
Clinton Wirtz
if the foster care case closes for a dual ward, does the JJ case also close?
While a youth is in detention, can a telephone call with the youth cannot replace every a face to face visit?
What does JJAU stand for?
Juvenile Justice Assignment Unit
How many days do you have to see a youth once placed, inluding jail or detention?
5 Days
What is a crossover youth?
Youth who have experienced maltreatment and engaged in delinquency
If a youth spends more than ______ days in detention, they will need local office approval?
How many workers could a dual ward be assigned?
1 or 2
What does QRTP stand for?
Qualified Residential Treatment Program
Which policy requirements apply if you are only the JJS?
JJM 270 and JJM 230
Name three possible placement options to be eligible for YIT funds:
Licensed foster family homes. • Relative provider homes. • Group homes. • Emergency shelters. • Child caring institutions. • Independent living and semi-independent living placements.
What are dually involved youths?
Youth who are simultaneously receiving services at any level from both the child welfare and Juvenile justice systems
if a policy requirement exists for both programs, what policy does the worker follow?
The more restrictive policy
For a community based placement, a Final Risk Level of High requires how many f2f visits?
three face-to-face visits take place with the youth each month.
What are dually adjudicated youth?
Youth who are concurrently adjudicated by both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
If the JJ and FC are assigned to the same case who is responsible for case requirements?
the assigned staff must coordinate to ensure compliance.
Can a private agency provide delinquency case management services to a dually involved youth?
Cannot provide dual ward services if they are not committed to JJ w/MDHHS.
what section should the abuse/neglect petition be filed for a dual ward?
file in the legal section of the youth’s case record.
If a dual ward youth is unauthorized to leave the state and does so for more than 24 hours, who needs to be notified?
ICJ (Interstate Commission for Juveniles)
What are all the legal statuses for dually adjudicated youth?
Legal Status 52
Legal Status 90
Legal Status 91
Legal Status 92
Legal Status 93
Legal Status 94
What is Clint's dual ward catchphrase?
All Dual wards are dually adjudicated but not all dually adjudicated are dual wards.
ICWA is involved in child welfare cases but not juvenile delinquency proceedings where the violation would still be a violation if the juvenile was an adult. Example - ICWA could be involved in a truancy case
As the snoopervsior, how often should the case documentation be reviewed?
The supervisor must review case documentation for both programs regularly and discuss cross program coordination with the caseworker during supervision.