Amount of time to prepare for your am route
What is 10 minutes?
Time to notify your director/assistant director of a UI
What is 15 minutes?
Time you arrive in the morning for paperwork and time you are to work til in the afternoon for paperwork
What is 8 am and 4 pm?
The engine should be off when you check this
What is the oil?
Number of friends currently enrolled on Green team
What is 15?
The signs are here when you leave for the morning route
What is up front on the dashboard or hanging from the mirror?
Lindsay, Martha, Aidan, Dani, Doris, Kyle, Zach, and Erin
Who do we have seizure emergency meds for?
These are due by the Friday of the wk listed where your initials/name is.
What are progress reports and kudos cards?
Lights should be turned on during these times
When is on routes and on outings?
Martha, Suzenne, Lee, Ethan, Eddie, and Joey
Who are friends who require an X on the sheet after seeing a parent/staff at their house?
Gas gauge gets marked when on the transportation sheets. (Full is on the right, empty is on the left)
What is before the van leaves the site in the morning and when the van is back at the site in the afternoon?
Jordan, Cathy, and Martha
Who else do we have emergency meds for? Bonus: what are they for?
Besides goals, these can be written for the weekly note.
What are milestones and behavior notes?
When you are more than 10 minutes outside of anyone's window.
When should I call the director/assistant director when picking up a friend?
AJ, Aly, and Jordan
Who works for working for you crews?
Cathy, Ethan, Lindsay, and Dawn
Whose driveways may we pull in to?
This emergency treatment may be given by any of our staff.
What is the VNS? Bonus: Who has them?
These reports must be written by the person who saw the incident and must be written by the end of the day.
What are UI reports?
In the morning, the driver and a director. In the afternoon, the driver at the last stop and when back at the site.
Who moves the signs and when?
Maddie, Jackson, Aaron, Luke W., Luke F., and Molly. Technically, also Jackie and Lara.
Who have jobs out in the community?
Denise, Tommy, and Lara
Whose residences require us to go in reverse?
They may need walking assistance or a wheelchair/walker/scooter on outings with longer walking.
Who are Aidan, Martha, Annie, Robbie & Chris on blue team and Zach, Denise, and Mike on green team?
These are the 4 monthly staff responsibilities.
What are weekly initials, calendar, outings, and morning paperwork?
These are the items that should be in each van's utility box.
What are fire extinguisher, triangles, seatbelt cutter, first aid kit, jumper cables?
They are the 10 friends that were at Dublin before Dottie went to help open UA.
Who are Suzenne, Dawn, Katie I., Lara, Kelle, Brian, Doris, Lee, Maddie, and Max?