Me and My "SAE"
Ecological Principles
Habitat Mgt.
This place is wet.

A supervised job, project, or activity that I use to get awards or scholarships in FFA.

What is an SAE?


Is the study of the relationship between an organism and its environment

What is Ecology?


This Habitat has heavy grazers and burrowing animals found here.

What is the Grassland?


Provide habitat to thousands of species of wildlife and insects.

What are Forests?

Pulutants coming from a clearly identified source

What is Point Source Pollution? 


These three topics are discussed in all Agricultural Classes. 

What are Classroom/Laboratory, FFA, and SAE activities?


Is the sum of the surfaces, atmosphere and hydrosphere of the earth which is occupied by living organisms

What is the Biosphere?


This Biome covers six percent of the earth and contains half of all species of plants and animals on the earth

What is the rainforest?


An essential process for the regulation of the climate and maintaining livable conditions within the earth’s atmosphere. This is when trees (Producers) convert carbon dioxide to oxygen

What is photosynthesis? 


An area which has hydric and anerobic soil and supports a plant community which is adapted to living in these soils

What is a Wetland?


The online Program that helps FFA members keep track of their SAE projects.

What is the AET? Agricultural Experience Tracker.


Are large, naturally occurring ecological levels occupying a major habitat or large region of land. They have similar climates and orgnaisms inside them. 

What is a Biome? 


Act of complete loss of habitat through direct human involvement

What is Habitat destruction?


These regions have all four seasons.

What are Temperate Regions?


Such as the Northern Pitcher Plant, have adapted well to life in the bog because they receive nutrients from insect life they prey on rather than getting nutrients from the soil or water.

What are Carnivorous plants?


FFA members in these grades can actually participate in FFA/SAE Activities.

What is grades 7th-12th?


Is when two species benefit from ecological interaction

What is Mutualism? 


Breaking up habitats to the point where the habitat can no longer remain functional

What is Habitat fragmentation?


This is a method used to replant trees in the same habitat older ones were removed from, while afforestation is the practice of planting trees in areas where trees were not previously present.

What is Reforestation?  


These are non-native species to areas that have been brought in by accident. 

What are Invasive Species?


Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET) is an online system to help student/FFA Members complete this  critical part of an SAE program

What is record keeping?


Is the effort by humans to manage organisms and their environments

What is Ecosystem Management?


Mass expansion of urban areas which rapidly destroy the surrounding environment

What is urban sprawl?


This act was created by President Harrison to give the current president the ability to set aside specific wooded areas as forest reserves.

What is The Forest Reserve Act of 1891?


The year the Duck Stamp Act enacted

What is 1934?