Dudu’s Favorite color
What is all the shades of blue
Dudu slept on this girl’s lap in kg 1
What is sherina
Our cat’s nickname
What is nunu
what’s 9 plus 10
What is 21
A material you use in a minecraft furnace
What is coal
Dudu’s Favorite cartoon character
What is Jimmy neutron
A piece of clothing worn by specific dancers that Dudu borrowed from me to give a show (hint: present in vcr)
What is a tutu
A lanky character that resembles uncle mohammed and is Dudu’s favorite mario kart player
What is waluigi
road work ahead?
What is yeah i sure hope it does
A deltarune character that thrives in the D7UmP$ter!!!
What is spamton
Dudu’s favorite sports (including wii)
What is Golf, Bowling and baseball
A cartoon show Dudu had downloaded to watch on the road in germany and france
What is Johnny Test
Dudu’s best friends nickname
What is leeloo
My main goal is to blow up
What is and then act like i don’t know nobody
A nickname mama gave Dudu when he was younger
What is dalmoosh
Dudu’s arch nemesis (Hint: cartoon character)
What is Sebob? (Spongebob)
A word Dudu used for emphasis, present in videos
What is BAM!
A word a dog said that Dudu uses
What is lehleh
I said whoever threw that paper
What is your mom’s a hoe
A fruit that appears on one of the cards in balatro
What is a banana
Dudu’s favorite youtubers growing up
What is Stampy, tobuscus and ihascupquake
A murder allegedly occurred in the car, on the way to grandmas house
What is Amy from sonic
A name Dudu gave to his classmate that he didn’t like
What is ras al carrot
You know what, i’m about to say it
What is i don’t care that you broke your elbow
Dudu’s infamous ramadan food combo growing up
What is bakora and vimto