The Wild

You're More Than You Used to Be

Level up one non combat skill for each team member. Please provide screenshots of your before XP/Level and After XP/Level using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


A Sort of Sepulcher 

50 Barrows chests collectively as a team.  Please provide screenshots of your before KC and After KC using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


The Log

Every team member needs to get 1 NEW collection log item! Please provide screenshots from each member showing the new collection log item in the Clan Chat. Additionally, use the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof if your screenshot doesn't show the current date.


Tick Tack Toe

Spend One Hour in the Games Room playing games as a Team! Please provide before and after screenshots with timestamp using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


So many monsters.

Complete 20 Wilderness Slayer Tasks as a Team. Please provide screenshots of the before and after slayer task counts for each team member in addition to using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. 


Are you quick on your feet?

Amass 100 Marks of Grace as a Team. Please provide screenshots of your before XP and After XP using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. Additionally, if you have any Marks of Grace banked, they will not count twords the 100 needed.


The friends you didn't know

Each team member must get 1 KC at a boss that they've never defeated before. Please provide screenshots of your before KC (ZERO) and After KC (ONE) using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


It's Random

Obtain and complete 15 random forestry events as a team. The same event can count for multiple team members so long as both accounts are present for the event.  Please post “Jeopardy 2024” with the screen shot for each event. 


Dale's Dead Bugs

Collectively as a team, earn 200 Void commendations. Please provide screenshots of your before PC points and After PC points using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


Creepy Crawly


Claim the Fangs of Venanatis! Please provide a screenshot of the Fang drop in addition to using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. 


Its scary out there

Sacrifice 1000 Bones to the Chaos Altar. Please provide screenshots of your before XP and After XP using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. You will also need to state what Bones were used when posting your screenshots.




You can wager up to all of the points your team as earned towards this task.

Note, your team has to collectively agree on how many points are being wagered before you can start.

Make 15m GP as a team killing Dragons. Please provide screenshots of your before KC and After KC using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. You will also need to post screenshot(s) of the loot your team has collected. Again, using the code above.



Each Team Member must get ONE unique item from any tier clue. The only times that will count can be seen in the collection log window. Note, the items do NOT need to be a new collection log. Please provide screenshots of your before clue collection log(s) and After collection log(s) using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


Help! I've been assaulted!

Each team members must level up one role at Barbarian Assault; at least three team members must complete this task; teams may obtain two levels for each team member to account for inactive players. Please provide screenshots from each member showing the starting levels and screenshots showomg the levels after. Additionally, use the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


They don't belong here.

Win 5 PVP battles against non-clan members with a minimum loot key value of 200k each. Please provide screenshots of the Loot Keys in addition to using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


Sometimes Life is Short

As a team, You need to collectively earn 250K Slayer XP. Please provide screenshots of your before XP and After XP using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


A Desert Adventure

Complete 6 Tombs of Amascut Raids as a team with an Invocation of 150 or higher. Please provide screenshots of your before TOA KC and After TOA KC using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. You will also need to provide screenshots from each raid proving the invocation. Again, using the code above.


Where's my Head?

Get the head drop from any boss. Please provide a screenshot of your before collection log and after collection log. Use the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof if your screenshot doesn't show the current date.


In the Land of the Ice and Snow

Without the use of Mass Worlds, subdue the Wintertodt 25 Times collectively. Please provide screenshots from each member showing before KC and after KC use the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


Where Did I leave It?

Earn a Dragon Pickaxe from any Wilderness Boss. Please provide a screenshot of the Dragon Pickaxe drop in addition to using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. 

Note, the drop will show in "Game" chat.


To Infinity and Beyond

Each member on your team needs to earn 1 million XP in any skill. Please provide screenshots of your before XP and After XP using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


I'm Bleeding Out

Complete the Theater of Blood 10 Times. Please provide screenshots of your before TOB KC and After TOB KC using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


Preserved for A Special Occasion

Earn a jar drop from a boss. Please provide a screenshot of the jar drop in addition to using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof. 


Ready the Cannons

Without the use of Mass Worlds and as a team, collectively kill Tempoross 25 times. Please provide screenshots from each member showing before KC and after KC. Additionally, use the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.


Its Blessed

Obtain any Sigil from the Corporeal Beast. Please provide a screenshot of the Sigil drop in addition to using the code "Jeopardy 2024" in Clan Chat as proof.