Books of the Bible
Fruitage of the Spirit
JWs in the 20th Century
Bible Chronology
The 12 Disciples
This is the longest book of the Bible.

What is the book of Psalms?


This aspect of the fruitage of the spirit is also Jehovah's most dominant quality.

What is love?


The first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

Who is Charles Taze Russell?


The beginning date of God's Messianic Kingdom.

What is 1914?


This disciple denied Jesus 3 times and then wept bitterly.

Who is Peter?


This is the number of books in the Bible.

What is 66?


This aspect was changed to "patience" in our revised New World Translation. This is the old name.

What is long-suffering?


The second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

Who is Judge Joseph F. Rutherford?


The year that Jesus was baptized.

What is 29 C.E.?

This disciple is mentioned in the Bible as the one "whom Jesus loved".

Who is John?


Even though this book was written by Moses, it is not part of the first five books that Moses wrote.

What is Job?


This aspect, also the last one mentioned in Galatians 5:22, 23, means to keep in check, restrain, or control your person, actions, speech, or thoughts.

What is self-control?


This school was originally designed to train pioneers and other full-time servants for missionary service somewhere in the world field. First class was February 1, 1943.

What is the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?


The exact date (month, day, year) that the Israelites left Egypt.

What is Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E.?


This disciple doubted the other apostles that Jesus was resurrected until he would see Jesus and put his finger in his wounds.

Who is Thomas?


This is the shortest book of the Bible.

What is 3 John?

This aspect is the first one mentioned at Galatians 5:22, 23. You gotta have it!

What is faith?


The third president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

Who is Nathan Knorr?


This is the year that the Medes and Persians captured Babylon. The Israelites were released two years later.

What is 539 B.C.E.?


One of the two names that are shared by two disciples in the list of the original 12 disciples.

Who are James or Judas?


Luke, the physician, wrote not only the gospel that bears his name, but this book that continues into the history of the first-century congregation.

What is Acts?


This aspect does not come natural for imperfect humans. It only comes by obedience to Jehovah's commands.

What is goodness?


Charles Taze Russell wrote six volumes in this book series and was credited with the seventh volume after his death.

What are the "Studies in the Scriptures"?


The year when the "disgusting thing" appeared to siege Jerusalem. They left and allowed some of its faithful residents to leave before they came back and destroyed Jerusalem.

What is 66 C.E.?


This disciple replaced Judas after the 11 cast lots.

Who is Matthias?