How many counselors are there supposed to be in Dunamai?
How many houses are there and what are they called?
Four: Griffin, Phoenix, Hydra, and Pegasus
What are the age groups of Dunamai?
Going into 7th through 9th grades.
Typically, how many specialties are there in a week?
What is Dimmy Dallon's job?
Talk Show Host
Who is Mr. Matt related to?
Ms. Daniella
Which house has not won the house cup?
3 years
What are the two off-site specialties that Dunamai will have this summer?
Top Golf and Racquet Sports
Which counselor writes standup?
Mr. Cam
How many Dunamai counselors go to/have been to HBU?
Three, Mr. Matt, Ms. Ray, and Ms. Caitlin
Who won the House Cup last year (2021)?
How many counselors (including senior counselors) are new this year?
All of them except 4
Which week were there only three specialties in Dunamai (2022)?
Week 4, aka, VBS week
Which counselor raised pigs in FFA?
Ms. Caitlin M
Who are the camp liaisons?
Mr. Leighton and Mr. Adam
Who are the counselors that lead each house?
Griffin: Mr. Caitlin, Ms. Erin
Pegasus: Ms. Rayza, Mr. Noah
Phoenix: Ms. Mikayla, Mr. Matt
Hydra: Ms. Avery, Mr. Cam
Who created Dunamai?
Miss Redd
Who created the Shark Week Specialty?
Miss Redd
How long has Mr. Sam had.. THE hat?
just 3 years
How many years has Miss Katie worked at Daycation?
Nine years
Which house won the House Cup in 2019?
What year was Dunamai founded?
Who created FFAD?
Mr. Cam.
What does Dunamai mean?
To dare, to be able