This creature type has the fewest creatures across all official 5e material.
What are Oozes?
This cantrip conjures an extra limb that can usually perform only simple tasks.
What is mage hand?
Pech is associated with this element.
What is Fire?
one of the Barbarians most well known abilities Rage, makes every barbarian resistant to these damage types while raging.
What are bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
The Abyss has this many layers.
What is infinite?
This creature has the highest CR of any beast.
What is a Huge Giant Crab/Sperm Whale/Tyrannosaurus Rex?
This 1st level transmutation spell can provide healing and nourishment for up to ten people.
What is Goodberry?
The regions of Viima are arranged like this?
What is Radially?
This race is the only one with medium size capable of taking the Squat Nimbleness Feat
What is a Dwarf
This setting is home to three moons and kender.
What is Krynn?
While this dragon doesn't have a breath attack, it does have a poisonous sting.
What is a Wyvern?
A legume seed is the material component for this 2nd level evocation spell — which implies that the caster is farting.
What is Gust of Wind?
The secondary gods of Kaal don't have conventional names, but rather are all this.
What are Aspects?
This Class has the most subclasses of any WOTC class
what is a Cleric
Given advantage on a d20 roll, these are the odds you will roll a natural 20.
What is 39/400 or 9.75%?
In addition to a rechargeable blast that deals a guaranteed 45 radiant damage with a chance to stun, this creature has a multiattack that can automatically hit for 60 force damage.
What is a Marut?
Despite having the same number of damage dice as fireball, casters often overlook this 3rd level evocation spell for how straight-forward it is
What is Lightning Bolt?
Varuile, a city in Domhan, follows this economic plan.
What is Feudalism?
This Fey race has a walking speed of 40 ft.
What is a Centaur
A "beloved" mechanic from Magic: The Gathering's Baldur's Gate crossover, Taking the Initiative causes a player to do this.
What is Venture into the Undercity?
This CR 0 plant can communicate in Common, but only using mimicry and only in a nasal falsetto.
What is a Campestri?
While an apprentice might cast the 3rd level evocation spell, tiny hut, a powerful wizard can instead cast this 7th level conjuration spell to travel luxuriously.
What is (Mordenkainen’s) Magnificent Mansion?
The people of Pech are roughly split up into The Industrialized and this group.
Who are Those Born in Flame?
This Class can learn both the spell Hunter's Mark and the spell Steelwind Strike by level 10
What is a bard
What luck! Drawing this card from a Deck of Many Things allows you to cast the Wish spell 1d3 times.
What is The Moon?