Labor and Delivery
Dupont History

The McRoberts maneuver is used to aid in a birth complicated by 

A. Breech Presentation

B. Shoulder Dystocia

C. Prolapsed Cord 

B. Shoulder Dystocia With the woman in the dorsal lithotomy position, the legs are hyperflexed with the knees on the abdomen increasing mobility of the sacroiliac joint and creates more room for fetal descent


Discharge instructions include instructing the postpartum patient to contact her primary care provider if she develops 

A. uterine cramps with breastfeeding

B. Foul- smelling lochia

C. Hemorrhoids 

B. Foul- smelling lochia


What year did Dupont Hospital open?



Where do you chart that you changed their bedsheets? 

Under hygiene ADLs


The most common site for the development of pregnancy-associated deep vein thrombosis is the 

A. pelvic area

B. left leg

C. right leg

B. left leg Approximately 90% of cases occur in the left leg. The risk of developing a DVT during pregnancy increases because clotting factors increase and the growing uterus puts pressures on the veins. Indications of a DTV include, pain, redness and swelling


If a mother experiences the postpartum blues after childbirth, it usually persists for no longer than 

A. 1 week

B. 2 weeks

C. 1 month

B. 2 weeks. The postpartum blues is a transient period of mild depression that occurs about 1 week after delivery in up to 80% of mothers. It typically lasts no longer than 10-14 days, during which the mother may be tearful, irritable and fatigued.  Despites symptoms the woman can usually manage care of infant and herself. 


Who is the current CEO of Dupont Hospital?

Brent Parsons


Where do you chart CHG or Iodopher? 

Under hygiene ADLs


Massive transfusion protocol is usually initiated when the estimated blood loss exceeds 

A. 1000 mL

B. 1500 mL

C. 2,000mL

B. 1500 mL 


In a neonate, pathological jaundice is usually evident 

A. At birth

B. Within the first 24 hours after birth

C. Within the first 24 to 48 hours after birth 

B. Within the first 24 hours after birth. Pathological jaundice may result in rapid increase of total serum bilirubin. Conditions that can cause this include birth trauma, Rh incompatibility and polycythemia (increase in blood cells) 


How many acute care beds does Dupont Hospital hold?

131 Beds 


How many days should the patient be scheduled for a follow-up with preeclampsia with severe blood pressure and features? 

3 day follow-up appointment should be made prior to discharge


Preeclampsia is characterized by creatinine level of:

A. >0.8mg/dL

B. >1.1 mg/dL

C. >1.3 mg/ dL

B. >1.1 mg/dL. Normal lab value is 0.4-0.8 mg/dL

An increase indicates that the kidneys are not functioning adequately because not enough is being filtered out of the blood into the urine for excretion. 


Asymmetry in gluteal and thigh creases in a neonate may indicate 

A. Hip dysplasia

B. Spina bifida occulta

C. Cerebellar ataxia 

A. Hip dysplasia Which is hip instability that results from the femoral head and socket of the hip bone being misaligned.


What is the Dupont Team Mascots Called?

Dupont Duo


When lab calls with critical blood gas results who should you call and where do you chart this?

Call OB provider and chart in provider notification

It can be nursing communication or fetal link but prefer provider notification


When using the Leopold's maneuver to palpate the fetus, the purpose of the first maneuver is to 

A. identify the fetal pole in the fundus (head or breech)

B. Determine the fetal part at the inlet and engagement

C. Determine the fetal lie (position of the back) 

A. identify the fetal pole in the fundus (head or breech)  This is palpated in the upper abdomen. 2. Palpate fetal lie by position of fetal back 3. determine fetal part is lying above the inlet and fetal engagement 4. If fetus is cephalic this should be done to determine fetal attitude and extension into the pelvis 


An Rh- negative mother delivers an Rh-positive infant, and alloimmunization (production of Rh antibodies in the mother) occurs. In this case, the risk of hemolytic disease is greatest in 

A. Subsequent Rh- negative fetuses

B. The current Rh-positive infant

C. Subsequent Rh- positive fetuses

C. Subsequent Rh- positive fetuses. Due to the previous exposure, it can lead to sensitization or production of Rh antibodies in maternal circulation for the following Rh- positive fetuses


Who was the CEO that started in 2019? 

Lorenzo Suter


Where do you chart that you have given the patient the post-birth warning signs sheet at discharge? 

Postpartum Patient Education tab under Mother Care