Unfortunately we're still in Kansas, and its dusty
Hoover...Nobody Does It Like You
Deal or New Deal?
New Deal and New Deal 2.0
Identify one of the reasons for the Dust Bowl
What is over-plowing of the same land, severe drought in the Midwest, windy conditions and lack of ground cover
This Depression Era writer wrote his most famous book, The Grapes of Wrath, about a family's move from Oklahoma to California.
Who is John Steinbeck?
In many communities, these sprawling neighborhoods of shacks sprang up on the outskirts of town or in public parks to house the newly homeless.
What are Hoovervilles?
This is the name that FDR gave to his programs to bring America out of the Great Depression.
What is the New Deal?
This program, part of FDR's Second New Deal & still in existence today, provides a pension, or guaranteed, regular payments, for many people 65 and older.
What is Social Security?
The worst day of the Dust Bowl is known as
What is Black Sunday?
This famous depression era singer sang such famous songs as "This Land is Your Land"
Who is Woody Guthrie?
These vagrants hopped trains to travel from town to town in search of work.
Who are hobos?
In contrast to Hoover, Roosevelt had the basic faith in the ability of the __________ to solve economic and social problems and to help people in need.
What is government?
To pay for his New Deal programs, Roosevelt sometimes had to do this.
What is deficit spending?
Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas are
What is the states in which the Dust Bowl was most severe
This is the agency responsible for securing bank deposits.
What is the FDIC?
People desperate for something to eat often went to these (Al Capone even opened one in Chicago)
What are soup kitchens?
During his first 100 Days, Roosevelt issued an executive order doing this in order to prevent a run on banks.
What is closing all the banks in a "bank holiday"?
This New Deal Program employed young men to work in Americas parks.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Looking for a better life during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression, many unemployed people did this.
What is became hobos and took to riding the rails looking for work
This New Deal program created jobs by building scores of dams throughout Tennessee and its neighboring states.
What is the TVA?
During the Great Depression (before the FDIC) when a bank collapsed what happened to your money?
What is you generally lost it all.
FDR frequently gave these over the radio to inform citizens and tell them about his programs to bring America out of the Great Depression.
What are fireside chats?
After the U.S. Supreme Court declared the NRA and AAA unconstitutional, FDR attempted to do this
What is pack the Supreme Court?
President during the beginning of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Name the three Rs, the three purposes of FDR's New Deal Programs.
What are Reform, Recovery and Relief
Though he graduated with a degree from Stanford University, Herbert Hoover was a farm boy born in this state.
What is Iowa.
Created in 1934, this still serves as a government watchdog over the nation’s stock market.
What is the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)?
This group of people thought that FDR had not done enough for the American people.
Who are liberals?