Fill in the blank..
Emergency is a ___________________ that can be handled by the establish response system of the policeof fire department
Section that states nothing in the provisions regarding student records prevents the delivery of information in an OSR may be required by the Minister of Education of by the school board.
Occurs when there is a hazard which is in the vicinity of the school.
What must be sent home at the end of a school day when a bomb threat has taken place.
An event causing significant loss, hardshp and/or sudden loss.
What is disaster?
You can find this in the OSR
What is a report card, student transcript, documentation file
Drill needed if there is an inciden in the community or vicinity of the school.
What is hold and secure
Records should avoid this.
What is Rumors, gossip and speculation
Complete the phrase.. Forsight is critical...
What is focus is on prevention
A drill that requires the lights turned off and curtains closed to prevent visibility for the outside.
What is lockdow?
People who have access to OSR
What is principal, supervisory officers and teachers
Person responsible for the individual school plan.
MFIPPA only applies to recorded in formation but not to
What is OSBIE ( Ontario School Boards Insurance Exchange)
The document that includes all the requirements for all schools to establish a lockdown policy.
What is the Provincial Policy for Developing and Maintaining Lockdown Procedures
In order for a OSR to be sent to a new location this must be done first.
What is an offical written request.
The phrase that it is okay to return back to the building.
What is all clear?
The person principals can seek advice from to help protect the pupil from foreseeable risks of harm
Must be practical, current, relevant, reviewed, rehearsed and revised regularly.
The person responsible for the planning and scheduling of drills.
What is the principal
This person can make a written request to the principal to remove or correct any inaccurate infomation if the pupil is under 18
The type of threat where informant seeks to create anxiety and panic within the environment which leads to a disruption of normal activities.
What is a non specific bomb threat
Information a student shares information to a teacher that student does not want to disclose to parent
What is breach of confidentiality?
The attitude that should be projected during an emergency.
What is competence?