Parenting Boundaries
Cycle of Violence
Wild Card
How DV Affects Children
Parenting Styles

What does seeing respect do for children?

what is models healthy behaviors?


What are the 4 stages of the cycle of violence?

what is tension, incident, reconciliation, & calm?


Which continent has never hosted an Olympic Games?

what is the continent of Africa?


True or False: Children are NOT impacted by domestic violence if they see/hear it?

what is False?


What are the 4 types of parenting styles discussed?

what is Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved/Neglectful?


Positive father involvement has been associated with "better" and "higher" of these areas of children's development.

what is social outcomes, emotional outcomes, cognitive outcomes, self-esteem, emotional security, academic achievement, school readiness, math skills, & verbal skills.


-Hurling insults or calling their partner names

-Threatening to hurt their partner

-Trying to control how their partner acts, dresses, cooks, etc.

-Commits physical or sexual acts of violence against their partner

-Manipulating their partner emotionally

These are examples of which stage?

what is the incident stage?


Which 4 NFL Teams have never made a Super Bowl appearance?

what is the Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans and Jacksonville Jaguars?


Which brain system is most impacted by children witnessing DV?

what is the Limbic system?


Examples of this parenting style includes:

-No rules

-Cold and distant relationship

-Basic needs must be met by child, therefore, they cannot believe the adult will provide

what is Uninvolved/Neglectful?


Why do children need boundaries?

what is Knowing Who's the Boss, Having a solid sense of self, & Reducing Conflicts?


External stressors (such as financial problems, a bad day at work, being tired) may begin to build within the abuser and continues to grow angrier because they feel a loss of control.

What stage is this?

what is the tension stage?


What are 3 ways that emotional abuse affects children?

What are Behavioral changes, Emotional development, & Maladaptive coping?


What are the effects of DV on children once they enter adult relationships?

what is fearing abandonment; Irritability/Easily annoyed with others; Needing a lot of space/time for themselves; Unequal financial and household responsibilities; Settling and staying in a dead relationship; Constant arguing or fighting/avoid conflict at all cost; Not knowing how to repair after a fight; Serial monogamy; Fearful of commitment/avoiding relationships all together; Try to change your partner; Boys often becoming offenders, victims, or both, and girls more likely to become victims?


Examples of this parenting style includes:

-Allow child to make own mistakes with no guidance

-Give in to tantrums

-Child and parent are ‘equals and friends’

what is Permissive?


What are 4 tips to building a successful relationship with your children?

what is Practice Co-Parenting, Give Your Child a Voice and an Ear, Avoid Negative Talk About the Other Parent, & Preserve Important Routines?


This period occurs when some time has passed after violence where the person who committed the abuse will try to make things right by offering gifts and being overly kind and loving; the "honeymoon stage."

What stage is this?

what is the reconciliation stage?


Three paths of Isolation

what is Physical Control, Emotional Manipulation, and Creation of Embarrassment.


What is it called when causing the child to pick sides, not know who to trust, question everything they believe is true, make them wonder if their other parents can be trusted?

what is Parental Alienation?


Examples of this type of parenting style includes:

-Expecting total obedience without explanation

-Does not reward, and uses punishment for control

what is Authoritarian?


How do you establish boundaries with children?

what is Establish Effective Communication, Have Family Rules, Keep Instructions Brief, Be Consistent, Follow Through, & Have Patience?


Justifications or explanations are made to help both partners excuse the abuse such as putting blame on outside factors and/or denying that the abuse occurred or that it was as bad as it was. The abuser will show remorse and promise that the abuse won’t happen again by being more loving and understanding of their partner's needs.

Which stage is this?

what is the calm stage?


What are the 2 Wheels discussed in this class?

what is the Power & Control Wheel and Equality Wheel?


What are the effects that can happen to children compared to those that have not witnessed DV?

what is greater incidence of insomnia; bed wetting; verbal, motor, and cognitive issues; learning difficulties; self-harm; aggressive and antisocial behaviors; and depression and anxiety?


Examples of this type of parenting style includes:

-Clear boundaries that are enforced

-Explaining to the child why boundaries are there

-Encouraging the child to have their own point of view

-Often use reward over punishment

what is Authoritative?