This message is generated from the sample and appears anytime there is no differential ordered.
What is a red cellular interference message?
Technology that triggers NRBC-Lymph Overlap message.
What is shape signature?
Impedence principle in which cells are counted by the size pulse that is created as they pass thru an electrical current.
What is the Coulter Principle?
You will see this in the event log if your STM has become unplugged.
What is (HOST ID: 50)?
Acronym for Volume, Conductivity, Light Scatter and is the place where testing for differentials, retics, and NRBCs is conducted.
What is VCSn?
This is a non numeric result.
What is a code?
Form of technology that triggers abnormal retic pattern.
What is template matching?
Located behind the RBC apertures, pushing red blood cells and platelets away from the sensing zone so that they are not recounted artificially inflating the result.
What is sweepflow?
You will receive "unable to sense diluent" event log message and the system will not process any samples.
What is when the vacuum trap is not properly installed?
AMTC, DV, MTM are the major components for
What is the VCSn side?
Flag that you will get next to a result that has been recalculated from a primary parameter that has been changed after it was sent to the LIS.
What is "m"?
The analyzer uses this form of technology to find abnormal cell populations such as variant lymphs.
What is the watershed concept?
Sample enters the bottom of the bath at an angle swirling upward as it mixes to reduce bubbles.
What is tangential mixing?
You would adjust this if you receive a message stating "Mix pressure exceeded"
What is the 4psi regulator?
Diff, NRBC, Retic, Stain
What are mix chambers?
What is the AMTC?
Code indicated by :::::
What is flow cell clog code?
This form of technology uses the NRBC testing parameter to trigger flags.
What is Data Fusion?
The way Hemoglobin is measured by the analyzer.
What is photometrically?
A procedure you would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER do this unless instructed to do so by a Beckman employee.
What is the bleaching procedure?
This component houses the flowcell, optical sensors, and laser.
What is the MTM?
If the analyzer is not confident in the result due to poor separation you will get this message.
What is a green cellular interference message?
Your instructor also referred to this type of technology as digital fingerprinting.
What is template matching?
List of the components of the CBC side of the analyzer.
What are the BSV, RBC bath and count chamber, WBC bath and count chamber, and Hemoglobin Cuvette?
Located next to the bleach probe and if you receive a message stating "Count vacuum exceeded limits" you can use this to adjust it as close to 6mmHg.
What is the count vacuum regulator?
Composed of different size latex particles and is used to test the flowcell.
What is Latron?